azure dreams ending

-The next day you’ll find Ghosh talking to Patty. He will tell you a Picket stole the Water Medal and took it to the 25th floor of the Tower. Hatched familiars will follow Koh around and assist him in combat. Always save before leaving for the Tower, that way you can just hit reset if you die and save yourself some grief. It’s also worth noting that the range of these attacks is limited in hallways. Vivian will leave the casino. Crack/Upheaval: More of a nuisance than anything, these devices can raise or lower the ground around them for awhile. Crash Bandicoot. Gear that adds at least 30 to ATK/DEF is very helpful in this area. Traps like Warp, Blind, Crack, and Confusion can cause Koh to become separated from his companions, so tread carefully. While this doesn’t matter much early on, it will put a damper on your day if you lose that Mirror Shield +70 you spent 60 hours building up. -You may see Fur at the pool if you did the Water Medal quest. Finally, Garudas will very rarely use their “Abduct” skill to take Koh’s familiar to a different area of the same floor. If you decide to put the Red Collar on the Kraken and fuse it with a Flame, the end product will be a Kraken. Each roar from a Zu directed at your familiar will set the AI down a notch until your pet is set to “stay”, but going  into lineup and switching back to the desired setting will fix the problem. Kain__Dragoon 6 years ago #1. He’ll ask why they are so calm around you,  say “It’s the scent of monsters.”. You can also feed most familiars fruits, seeds, and herbs to refill 3 MP, just be careful what you give them. “. Magic Increased (Clown) –  Doubles spell levels. Red and Blue Sands in particular will increase the attack of your sword and defense of your shield respectively, making them some of the best finds in the game. She’ll talk about how she can only watch people through her window, respond to her with “I came through this window. Hazak Herb: Useful later on (around floor 20) this herb will restore lost attack power. Manoeva will return on the 27th level, this time they can mimic enemies, which really isn’t a big deal. “. * As usual, go to the carpenter and give him 30k to build the race track, which comes up as a “circuit” in the menu. -Talk to Dr. Hal who lives just south of the pool every day until he asks you to build a library. Cheer her up by saying “You’ll be fine. Azure Dreams; Monster stats FINISHED! Answer her with “Actually it’s pretty amusing. Very dangerous, especially if it’s your mega powerful familiar that gets confused or if a lot of enemies are around. Keep in mind that the highest number of spells a familiar can learn is 3. Say “No, it’s quite interesting. Pros: Decent Stat Growth, Good attack magic, High MP, Unbrainwashable, Not lost if Koh dies, Easily obtained, Cons: Mediocre HP, Fire genus is weak to water. Binding can paralyze dangerous enemies. -The next day you go to the restaurant, Patty will talk to you a bit about your “secret relationship” with her. Wind mixture magic can destroy a Viper instantly, so use it if you have it. -Give Hush at the clinic 4000g and explore the tower. Be sure to tell Wreathe that you are leaving to get a very helpful Pit Fruit before you enter the Tower. Cyclones can also pose a threat, because they tend to be durable. She’ll go on break and talk to Koh. I use the terms “equipment value” or “gear strength” in reference to the defensive and offensive power of Koh’s weapon/shield. “. Stay Close to Your Familiars: A familiar can easily get lost and wander aimlessly if Koh ventures more than a few spaces out of its line of sight. -Cherrl will ask you to go on a walk with her next time you see her, accept the offer. She’ll ask if you will come visit her, say you will. Water  mixture Magic works well against Killers so use it or try to paralyze, blind, or put them to sleep. Monster Den: Not really a trap per say. But if you feel like getting nostalgic, proceed with caution, watch some vids, read some reviews, because: "Game Informer magazine ranked the game as #1 in the Top 10 Worst Games of '06, giving it a 2/10." Look out for Griffons on floor 11, because they are about as strong as Volcanoes and have a powerful spell called Rise that can inflict substantial damage. I set out to solve some of the mysteries surrounding Azure Dreams when working on this guide and playing the game. Upon reaching the top floor of the Monster Tower, Beldo reveals more information about his time with Guy, along with his intentions, while also revealing that your partner, Kewne, is Beldo's spy and familiar, who proceeds to fuse to Beldo's body to form his missing arm. While writing this walkthrough, I set out to get to the bottom of these mysteries and had limited success, which was mainly in the form of figuring out the rather poorly understood mixture magic mechanics. -Be nice to Cherrl and tell her your name. “. Wikis. A special white Picket can be found on floor 25, kill it to get the Water Medal. -Mia will be at the library again the next day. Take the Time to Command Your Familiars: While you can (and should) let the game’s AI handle familiar movements most of the time, effectively ordering them to move and attack in dangerous situations can turn the tables in your favor. Even worse, Koh or his pets can still be affected by the attack debuff even if the Viper misses. -Impacts the success rate of spells like Sleep and LoDown. Unfortunately, this item is extremely rare. **The Dark Sword supposedly has a higher chance to get critical hits along with its high miss rate. All trademarks, logos, and images are property of their respective rights holders. There was also a Game Boy Color release of Azure Dreams, but I … On a somewhat unrelated note, the Japanese Azure Dreams did feature voice acting for many characters, including Kewne. It is possible to stroll through this floor with a level 6 familiar and/or equipment that adds 3 to attack and defense. Players can spam mixture magic and whatever spells they decide to teach Picket. Thanks for checking out my guide for Azure Dreams on the Sony PlayStation. “ and she will happily walk off. Finally, wand users may still want to hoard Red Sands on the off chance that they find a Trained Wand. For general info, tricks, and tips visit BSauls’ FAQ: In some cases you can place a strong familiar in front of Koh to act as a tank that will soak up damage for him. Talk to him a few times and touch one of his horses. User Info: Kain__Dragoon. This version even has a true final end boss. These spells hit Koh’s weapon and travel towards a distant enemy. Localization. Casino: Jorda will suggest building this sometimes if you talk to him after the temple has been renovated. Strength Increased (Arachne) – Doubles attack power. For a example, a player who normally does 10 damage is wearing a Fire Sword will do 15 damage to wind genus monsters. -She’ll invite you in for tea, accept her invitation and enter her house. This floor is hardly worth mentioning even though it’s at the end of a long journey. They also deal increased damage to enemies weak against their genus, normal damage to enemies of the same genus, and decreased damage to enemies strong against the sword’s genus. -Buy some items, preferably expensive things like tiger fur carpets, an aura bike, or a refrigerator. Many of the older FAQs claim that it increases his critical hit rate, but were unsure if this was the case. The Loneliest Monk. The primary strength of these spells is that they scale with Koh’s ATK. -The monster wearing the Red Collar will almost always be the final result of a fusion. Monsters that evolve (Arachne, Nyuel, Griffon, Clown, etc) have tremendous stat growth in their advanced form. Try throwing items at Barong and it will spit something else out. Throwing Items: Throwing an item will often have some sort of effect on its target. Try to pick up magic balls when you find them since these spells can save your life. Gym: Converse with Barry the blacksmith (whose shop is north of Fur’s shop) on a regular basis and he will eventually suggest building a gym. -Return to the bar again and you’ll find Vivian “dancing”. -The bar should be open the next day and Vivian will be on the stage in the center of the room. You may want to build up other familiars to use in the Tower. -Ghosh will enter the library next time you visit. Through long hours of playing this game, research, and testing, I’ve come to a fair, but not precise understanding of the damage mechanics, which I have outlined below. Manoevas make a comeback here and can now mimic items, so be ready to fight if you see two identical items next to each other. I did not include a recommended level for Koh and his familiar for each floor, because it should usually match the current floor or exceed it. Hospital: Talk to Hush at the clinic in the western end of town. Not only is it affected by the same variables that apply to standard melee (in some cases) but the enemy’s elemental genus, the level of the spell, the genus of the player’s weapon, and even Koh’s ATK value (in some cases) decide the outcome of a mixture magic attack. This is the order of clicks starting from the portal home page to restart a function app in azure:-> Function Apps (Found on the very left-hand sidebar, or on dashboard)-> yourFunction (mine is called 'myFunction')-> Platform Features (found near the top right of the screen)-> All Settings (found under the General Settings section)-> Restart (found near the top of the screen) -Speak to Selfi in front of her house again and say what you want when she asks why she saved you. With diminished stats and the inability to use the command menu or inventory as a frog, Koh is in trouble if he gets hit by this. An Acid Rain Ball can clear these rooms really fast. Visit Nico’s house after she leaves to find Ghosh locked out. Ask her to make Fried Prawns. Octopus balls cost 100 and restore some HP when used in the Tower. Hair Color While strong, Maximums aren’t any worse than Golems or Dragons and have no special abilities. “, then choose “But…”. Look for a White Picket on floor 25 and kill it to get the medal. Slow: Cuts the movement speed of anything that triggers it in half. The vast majority of creatures the player will encounter have an elemental genus that renders them more powerful against one genus and weak against another. Be mindful of how you move your units and use the following rules of thumb in combat. If you manage to find something nice like a Mirror Shield, Gold Sword, or even the fabled Trained Wand, use the WInd Crystal to leave right away, because one false move could cost you that super awesome item. The dialogue tree will end with Fur getting angry at Koh no matter what options you chose, so just pick whatever answer you want. “, then say goodbye for now. Hold onto this item if you find it, because Trained Wands are extremely rare. Positioning Koh and his familiars effectively can turn the tide of battle. Blue dreams. -Selfi appears on the second floor of the Tower occasionally after you upgrade the temple. Koh is considered to possess the genus of any elemental Sword or Shield he is using when offense and defense are calculated. Reversal: Very annoying, these traps will flip the screen upside down making everything disorienting. -Keep visiting Vivian everyday for a while and she will ask you to go to the pool, accept her offer. Gender He will ask for 4000g to renovate the building. Blade Mixture attacks are modified by Koh’s attack power to some degree, but the genius boost from wands and elemental swords has no impact on them. -She should recover completely after about three tours of the Tower. Blue Collar: Found on floor 12 of the Tower, allows player to control a second familiar. His DarkWave Spell makes Koh invincible and insta-kills enemies when used as mixture magic. The best ending qualifies for this. Moderated by: Dadarsus Dadarsus, S h a u n y 7 1 8 8 S h a u n y 7 1 8 8, DonForgo DonForgo, S a n d _ K n i g h t _ S a n d _ K n i g h t _, Wuggah Wuggah, H o r … Bowling Alley: Upgrade the temple and Jorda will ask you to build one. If you are having trouble finding a specific love interest for Koh, try following the General Girlfriend Tips below this section. Next choose “Let’s go to the restaurant.” and Ghosh will pop up. Spell levels are sometimes dismissed as unimportant, but this cannot be further from the truth. Stealths do not inflict heavy damage nor do they have great defense, but they can creep up on the player, try to pay attention to the direction of the attack if an invisible Stealth hits you to make fighting them easier. The correct sequence is O, X, O, O, X, O, O, O, O, X, O, X, O. You can still build things in town, meet girls, and raid the Tower as if nothing has changed. Magic Balls: Acid Rain, Fire, Flame, Pillar, Binding, Sleep, and Poison Balls are all very useful. Because he can't get to the top of the tower...?? Part 17: Side-Note: Alternative Okami Ending (post by Jegan). -Monsters can only have two traits and will lose a trait if you attempt to fuse a third trait. Here are a few of the better traits that can be fused into familiars. The easiest way to change a monster genus is to feed it a wind, light, or sea seed. Golems will start to confront Koh on floor 33, while not as deadly as Dragons, they can hit from afar. “ and she will run off. Cherrl Child will also appear in the house north of the clinic. Octopus Ball Stand: Return the Guru’s Oil to Isaac. 6. It’s a good idea to listen to what he has to say and pick up anything you find here. -Koh will be attacked by a U-Boat on the second floor of the Tower next time he ventures into it. Vipers are by far the worst thing in this set of floors thanks to their high damage and ability to lower ATK upon hitting Koh. This is more of a mini game than a quest, but I threw it in here anyway, since it may have an impact on certain events. -Go behind the counter and talk to her for more dialogue if the relationship does not seem to be advancing. Here is a brief list of the best gear you can get in my experience and some instructions on how to temper them into mighty pieces of equipment. “ and say “Of course she would. are the property of their respective owners and are a work of fiction. Even so, an unarmed player should watch out for Trolls and Noises, especially in groups. Give him the money and a shiny new clinic will appear next time you return to town. Changing the genus of a familiar will also change that of the spell. Here is a short list of equipable weapons and important items that appear in this game. Try to back out of the room and force the monsters into a choke point or use some other AoE attack if you do not have an Acid Rain Ball. The instruments that create this mood are very voluminous and soft. Step on a Bomb Trap and it will send a blast in four directions, damaging everything it hits. The Gold Sword is rust proof, however, and is easy to temper into a mighty weapon with Red Sands as a result. Here are the FAQs, Wikis, and Guides that I referred to while playing this game. They also tend to fall asleep at random, so take the opportunity to sneak past or kill a sleeping Naplass. Beldo is the main antagonist within the game, first encountering the Protagonist on the 31st floor of the Monster Tower. Stepping into rooms will very rarely result in a bunch of monsters spawning. Do not worry if you die, the beginning of the game is the hardest point to get a foothold in, plus Kewne will at least keep all of his levels making subsequent expeditions more successful. Not much of a problem if there are no threats around, but can be deadly if there are foes about. I set out to solve some of the mysteries surrounding Azure Dreams when working on this guide and playing the game. Attacking a tile with your weapon or using the Trap Loupe will reveal hidden traps. I praise Kewne a lot in this guide, because he really is a great familiar. Similar results can be achieved with  Stream, Gulf, and Scarlet wands, but they lack base damage, making them weaker. Do not bother with the magic increased trait unless you use a lot of mixture magic, because Nyuel’s evolved form can fully heal Koh. The pot will be sitting on the floor and should stand out, because it’s an unusually shaped clay vessel. The effectiveness of fire, air, and water genus equipment is often overlooked, primarily due to the fact that players prefer weapons like the Trained Wand. It also allows for the fusion of familiars. Respond to her with “Even you didn’t swim?” (whatever that means) when she comments on how much fun she had at the pool. -Eventually, she will be away from the hospital when you enter and Hush will mention the Healing Herb. Azure Dreams (PSX) Hush will sell you Medical Herbs for a measly 7g once the new clinic is built. Luckily Poison does not last long and cannot directly kill its victim, but be careful if your HP is low. Temple: Wreath will suggest helping the temple out a bit after you upgrade your house for the first time. While they only have an Attack power of 1, wands increase the power of mixture magic and sometimes have special properties. Take Pickets out with powerful fire magic or have your familiar fight them. Warp: Moves the player to another area. The following familiars have served me well in the Tower and are worth trying out. Oddly enough, Mia will become Koh’s girlfriend after this. Monsters get the same bonus when attacking Koh or his familiars from an elevated position, so don’t stand below a monster if you can help it. Here are the general qualities of each genus and the monsters that possess it. Bomb: I hate this one almost as much as rust if not more, because there’s little that can be done about it. -Visit Fur again after going to the Tower, she will be very rude to Koh the next time he visits, just ignore her and buy something else. Talk to Everyone: Monsbaiya may seem like a small, static town, but the NPC population will do and say different things as various requirements are met. “ when she returns. In addition, some wands have special effects. ===== Azure Dreams [US Version] Game Shark Codes Game Platform: GameBoy Color Version 1.00[f] Dated:08th July 2000 ** This is the FINAL version of … ?-MagiNukes the new city from above. After about 7 or 8 in game days (if you visit him each day) Hal will ask Koh to build a library. In most cases, the player can wait a turn and the enemy will step into attack range. Out of the genus swords, Fire and Gulfwind Swords coupled with mixture magic (Flame Sword and Wind Cutter respectively) can produce phenomenal results, especially if the weapon has been tempered with a few dozen Red Sands. -You’ll find Vivian standing by the wall one day when you go to the theatre. This can be disastrous in some circumstances so make sure your pets are following you at all times unless you are confident they can survive on their own. “. Azur Dream is offering 20% off for travel between January 8, 2021 and December 15, 2021. While useful against groups of enemies, their damage vs. a single target is middling. A Mahell Seed will cancel this out. A tough familiar helps too. If you want high quality items to spawn more frequently, try taking a high luck monster like Barong or Flame along. Note each saved game of Azure Dreams takes up 3 blocks of data, so you need at least 3 blocks spare on Memory Card 2. HiKewne is the most powerful monster in the game. Proper tactics and a few simple tricks can get players through situations they would otherwise lose. An enemy called Block prowls the 22nd floor, watch out for their high defense and Bind spell which can paralyze its target. Some of them will unlock girls, so be sure to complete them. Let Azure Dreams load, and load your tower saved game from Memory Card 1. Also, choose the “That’s a cute name. The combat mechanics in this game are simple, but the sheer variety of weapons and spells along with the fact that they can be combined can make understanding how attack and defense works confusing. Cons: You’ll have already completed the Tower by the time you get him. I’m not sure if this matters, but choose “I’m Koh.” as your response. The only variables that seem to affect these spells are spell level and enemy genus. Say “Let’s go.” when she asks if you are done. Enemies: Blume*, U-Boat*, Manoeva, Balloon. Lured by the Ultimate Egg, he betrayed and killed Guy, thus leading up to the events as they are now (Protagonist's family struggling to live, protagonist following his father's footsteps to find out the truth, etc). -She will mention the donation upon waking Koh up the next day. Even better, it offers an evade boost that can save your life if you are lucky.

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