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Imperial chart depicting the Strategic Disposition of a standard Forge World in the late 41st Millennium, Cult Mechanicus Adept with Combat Servitors. Thousands of standard years before the rise of the Imperium, Mankind reached out to the stars and settled many far away worlds. As the Space Marines and Imperial Guard are drawn into more and more campaigns, the Adeptus Mechanicus conserve their strength, focusing on their own expeditionary fleets, as well as their manufacturing duties to supply the Imperial war machine. Like Transmechanics, Lexmechanics are commonly assigned duties outside the Adeptus Mechanicus assisting the other organs of the Adeptus Terra. With Imperial armies stretched thin across countless campaigns, the Imperium becomes ripe for invasion. In return for peace between Terra and Mars, the recognition of the Tech-priests' right to practice their faith and their right to maintain control over both Mars and the other Forge Worlds they had settled, the Mechanicum agreed to build Imperial starships at Mars' Ring of Iron orbital fleet yards and provide all of the war materiel necessary for the Emperor's Great Crusade. A Magos Dominus of the Adeptus Mechanicus. By necessity, a Reclaimator's skills begin to stray into a higher understanding of machinery and technology than most and many learn to worship the Machine God in a fragmentary and superstitious manner, marking them apart from others of the Mechanicus. The Emperor is the supreme object of worship for the servants of the Mechanicus, for He is the living avatar of the Machine God that is the Omnissiah. An Adeptus Mechanicus fleet, including an Ark Mechanicus, engages enemy vessels during the Quest for Knowledge. Horus promised much else in terms of technological knowledge to the Mechanicum, including the right to develop technologies like artificial intelligence previously forbidden by the Emperor in the Treaty of Mars in return for their allegiance to his cause. Store Information. These small combat walkers are one-man versions of a Titan. Indeed, the Inquisition relies upon the services of the Adeptus Mechanicus as much as any other Imperial organisation, and so great pains are often taken to ensure personal conflict between individual Inquisitors and Tech-priests does not escalate into something more damaging. Through devices such as these, the manna of the Machine God can visit Fabricator-General and lowly Skitarii warrior alike. Theirs is the Motive Force, the third part of the Machine God's trinity, who gives the faithful the power they need to smite the unbeliever. Begin the Canticles and send forth the Legions. The Adeptus Mechanicus is based on Mars, the very first Forge World of the Imperium, and they are the sole rulers of the Red Planet. The Priesthood of Mars titles such beings as "Prime Conduits of the Omnissiah," or as Dominatus Dominus -- Master of Masters. Wherever these relics of Humanity's past march to war, they attract great numbers of the faithful, amongst them the fabled Electro-priests. The existence of the C'tan beneath Mars is a highly classified secret of the Imperium. All Forge Worlds create these half-machine war constructs on a daily basis, their biohangars stacked with rank upon rank of dormant Kataphron Servitors awaiting the binharic command to awaken. Without the Mechanicus, no starship would ply the void, no army march to war, no raw material be refined and nothing more than a stone hovel be constructed. Most candidates who are chosen have proven both faithful and capable of using the skills of the Adeptus Mechanicus to deadly effect. Dark Eldar in Warhammer: Games Workshop created this race to be deceitful, evil, and nimble. These executioners are pulled from across the Lathes and beyond, and instructed in secret fortresses scattered throughout the Calixis Secotr. There are many specialist divisions within the Adeptus Mechanicus known as Divisiones. Their Power Armour is modified to accommodate their cybernetic enhancements and their armour's back packs are upgraded with several servo arms or Mechadendrites. Governing Body Within the Adeptus Mechanicus the ranks become even more esoteric. 40K Codex Supplement - Dark Angels 2020. No longer the master of its creations, the Cult Mechanicus is enslaved to the past. Also known as constructors, they design machines, buildings, spacecraft, weapons, and military hardware. They grow superstitious and hidebound in their own traditions while they stand alone in a galaxy besieged by evils. The Cult is therefore disinclined to perform most basic scientific research and development. These Chaos-worshiping Magi seek to combine the power of the Warp with that of the Machine God in the name of the Ruinous Powers, who they view to be the true expression of the Machine God since they offer knowledge that the Emperor forbids and place no restriction on the pursuit of any line of inquiry. Their overall spiritual leader and guide is the Archmagos Paracelsus Thule. Although they are not officially part of the Adeptus Mechanicus, they are considered "honorary members" of the Mechanicus by both their Chapter and the Adeptus Mechanicus itself. Just as the Skitarii exload the martial capabilities of the foe to their masters, the Tech-priests inload their own programs into the Skitarii. Floating in a sea of data, each Adept sends battlefield commands down via data-tethers to the Skitarii on the planet below. The Dark Mechanicum is also responsible for constructing the majority of the war-machines for the Chaos Space Marines. The reason for this is that the Imperium simply could not function without the Priesthood of Mars -- all of Mankind's accomplishments would crumble and fall within a generation were the Tech-priests not to maintain them. Among their fellow Tech-priests, Enginseers are afforded little respect, as their labours do not normally contribute to the Quest for Knowledge because they only maintain existing machines instead of building or discovering new technologies. With their unique organisation and frightening red armour, the few outside of Mechanicus circles who were aware of their existence soon began to call them the Crimson Guard. He first appeared openly during the Thirteenth Black Crusade of the late 41st Millennium.Cawl is known as the Dominatus Dominus, the Master of Masters, one of the highest ranks available in the Mechanicum.. The Collegiate Extremis is the judicial branch of the Adeptus Mechanicus. https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Magos_Dominus?oldid=373767. It is similar to the Adeptus Arbites in function: traitors to the Omnissiah are prosecuted and their crimes analysed. Instead of the Imperial Creed, the servants of the Mechanicus follow their own dark and mysterious scriptures and worship the strange deity they call the Machine God or the "Omnissiah.". It is not known what the specific connotations of these titles are, though presumably they are indicative of greater seniority and experience. It is usual practice for a legion's overseer Tech-priests to monitor each battle from a scryer-ship high above. Xenos and Chaos attacks increase tenfold, occurring with alarming frequency all across the galaxy. Each Titan Legion is commanded by an officer known as the Grandmaster who may also be the Princeps of the most powerful Titan in the Legion. With the collapse of the Aeldari and birth of the new Chaos God Slaanesh, the galaxy is engulfed with Warp Storms that isolate swathes of the galaxy and those civilisations not destroyed outright are cut off from one another. The supreme object of devotion is therefore the omniscient Machine God (also known as the Deus Mechanicus or, in its embodied form as the God-Emperor, the Omnissiah), an eminent and omnipotent spirit governing all machinery and knowledge in the universe. Imperial Knights are colossal war machines that tower over the battlefield. Namecard style. On warships and Explorator vessels operating within the Koronus Expanse and the Calixis Sector, specially-programmed Skitarii are a necessity, for they serve as the members of boarding parties, security personnel and bodyguards where other forms of Skitarii would be impractical. After being inducted into their Chapter they are sent to Mars for many standard years of training, and when they come back, they serve the same role with their Chapter as an Enginseer does with the Astra Militarum, maintaining and repairing their Chapter's weapons, equipment, vehicles and space vessels. As the galaxy darkens, new threats arise all across it. $1.00 to $4.50. Imperium of Man Reclaimators themselves are often sent into dangerous or unsafe areas with little direct supervision, and they scavenge and salvage a good deal more than their masters know. ", Imperial chart depicting the Hierarchy of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Few within the Adeptus Mechanicus consider themselves oath-bound to such an Inquisitor, for their loyalty ultimately lies with the Omnissiah. Age of Strife (Sometime between the 25th and 30th Millennia) Even amongst the ranks of the Adeptus Mechanicus -- where artificial devices increase brain capacity and extend life beyond measure -- such an accumulation of knowledge in multiple disciplines is exceedingly rare. Knights normally deploy in squadrons comprised of several of these war machines. Kill Team: Commanders is an expansion for Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team, introducing elite war leaders and experts in the art of battle – Commanders. Common cybernetic augmentations for Tech-priests include: More uncommon but still occasionally seen Mechanicus cybernetic augmentations include the: A schematic of the cybernetic grafts and electoos implanted within the body of an Electro-priest that allow him to unleash and absorb the Divine Current. On battlefields, they often form part of the retinues of Tech-priests, Techmarines and Inquisitors. Official Language Warhammer 40k Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. These include the following: Magi (sing. The Secutarii Titan Guard were created as the honour guard and protectors of the Titan Legions, developed in the lost and ancient days long before the Imperium. Shapers of destruction, masters of the Cult Mechanicus, the Tech-priests Dominus can reduce entire worlds to ruin. These feats they accomplish not through diplomacy, but via the relentless, merciless application of firepower, for it is they that command the Mechanicus' Skitarii Legions, Electro-priesthood and Legio Cybernetica. The sets also … Any member of the Cult Mechanicus over the rank of Menial will often be referred to generally as a "Tech-priest," though Magi and higher ranks are usually referred to by their rank. An Adeptus Mechanicus Battle Congregation in combat. The portion of the ancient Mechanicum that split off to serve Chaos and the Heretic Astartes Traitor Legions during the Horus Heresy is called the Dark Mechanicum. Over the millennia since the Heresy, the Legio Cybernetica has regained the respect and admiration of the rest of the Adeptus Mechanicus as well as the other myriad Adepta of the Imperium. To them the pursuit and preservation of the arcane mysteries of science and circuit are of far greater worth than petty wealth, worldly power or the lives of their fellow men. There exists an endless variety of Servitors, from heavy mining Servitors to battlefield Gun-Servitors and elite Praetorian Servitors. A powerful man has only to look upon the universe to change it.". Across the galaxy, Mankind suddenly turned upon itself as a new breed of Warp-attuned psykers emerged and Warp Storms engulfed the galaxy, rendering interstellar travel and communication dangerous to the point of impossibility. Mankind The magi of the Priesthood of Mars are the masters of much of what remains of the vast and potent military secrets of the Age of Technology, particularly the ancient technology of combat robots, the Battle-Automata. Some of these sects are accepted as legitimate interpretations of the Omnissiah's will, others are persecuted by the broader Cult Mechanicus and the Inquisition as Heretics. The Tech-priests put the resultant boost in efficacy down to the inspiring effects of faith, forgetting that each syllable contains enough binharic cant to rouse even the basest Servitor to a murderous wrath. The Emperor was recognised by the ancient Mechanicum as the fulfillment of the prophecy of the coming of the Omnissiah because He comprehends so much, and understands more about the true nature of reality than any other being in existence. Each Ordinatus is a unique weapon that is designed for a specific purpose or for a particular battle. The Ordo Reductor is a sub-organisation of the Adeptus Mechanicus that developes, manufactures and operates siege weaponry. Some Tech-priests are drawn to the path of the Secutor through a fascination with the unique and intellectual challenges warfare provides, while others feel themselves drawn to the intricacies and beauties of creation and destruction, or the sacred art of weaponsmithing. They are often seconded to the Astra Militarum in order to maintain and repair the armoured vehicles used by the Imperial Guard's regiments. An Adeptus Mechanicus Logis with extensive Bionic modifications and Mechadendrites. Usually found with an entourage of Servitors, these Adepts command labour forces that could rival small armies in size. Each Forge World is led by a Fabricator-General or other Archmagos with a similar rank but different title, and beneath them their Fabricator Locum. Rulers of individual Forge Worlds are referred to as "Fabricator-Generals" as well, but only the Fabricator-General of Mars holds a seat amongst the High Lords of Terra, representing himself or herself as the leader of the Mechanicus as a whole. The Skitarii are the cybernetic infantry forces of the Adeptus Mechanicus. The billions of Menials are not considered true Tech-priests, but are usually indoctrinated with the beliefs of the Cult Mechanicus in a simplified form. There are numerous religious factions within the Adeptus Mechanicus, including the Khamrians, who pursue the forbidden science of artificial, or "abominable" intelligence which has been forbidden since the catastrophe caused by the Iron Men who attacked humanity during the Dark Age of Technology; the Omnissiads, who seek to summon the Machine God into a physical avatar other than the Emperor; and the Organicists, who see biological enhancement using genetic engineering as equal to the more common cybernetic enhancements for which the Tech-priests of the Mechanicus are best known. Many come to know this era as "Old Night," and it descends like a shroud over the galaxy.During this time, the Knight Worlds fare best, for they eschew psykers and purposefully regress technologically. A Secutor is the first rank in the Auxilia Myrmidon presumably as the standard trooper, and is also the first Adepts Minoris rank in the Divisio Mandati. "A man may die and still endure if his work enters the greater work, for time is carried upon a current of forgotten deeds, and events of great moment are but the culmination of a single carefully placed thought. As they cannot think for themselves since their higher brain functions have all been disabled, they are essentially nothing more than partially-organic robots which use a portion of a human brain as their central processing unit. The strongholds constructed from the remains of ancient Terran colony starships are ruled by the descendants of the first human settlers of those far-flung worlds, mighty warriors who enter combat in their towering armoured battlesuits and who are sworn to protect and guard the Imperial citizens who inhabit their worlds. They engage in a faith entirely alien to the followers of the Imperial Creed, speak in a language that bears little resemblance to High Gothic or of any planetary dialect, and appear outlandish, even by the diverse standards of a culture as heterogeneous as the Imperium. Ruling Priesthood of Mars The Skitarii Legions do not fight alone, for they escort the vast goliaths of the Centurio Ordinatus to war, and even march in the shadow of the god-machines of the Titan Legions. The mission of the Adepts of the Omnissiah is the Quest for Knowledge, the gathering of all of the wisdom lost during the distant Age of Strife. A Magos Dominus (fem: Magos Domina), known also as a Tech-priest Dominus, is a senior Tech-priest of the Adeptus Mechanicus who commands the Mechanicus' military forces and seek to advance military technology.. In many ways the Collegiate Extremis serves as the Mechanicus' own internal variant of the Imperial Inquisition. Skitarii regiments that go to war alongside the Mechanicus' Titans are equipped with various esoteric weapons of war. The amount of cybernetic augmentation found in a Tech-priest is highly dependent on his or her rank within the Cult Mechanicus. This lack of caution makes Thule and those following him something of a radical faction within the Cult Mechanicus, but a powerful and influential one in the Calixis Sector. Most Enginseers have Mechadendrites attached to their back in order to facilitate their repair work. Each sub-division within every facet of the order is split into dozens of ranks. The Fabricator-General of Mars is the de facto leader of the Cult Mechanicus, and as befits his position, is awarded a permanent seat on the council that runs the Imperium, known as the Senatorum Imperialis or the High Lords of Terra. None fight with more grim determination than the battle-brothers of the Dark Angels, and their renowned specialised companies – the Deathwing and the Ravenwing – are held in awe by their allies and enemies alike. The magi of the Priesthood of Mars are the masters of much of what remains of the vast and potent military secrets of the Age of … Many Master Adepts like Kelbor-Hal longed to pursue these restricted lines of research and had long believed that the Emperor was not the Omnissiah of the Machine God, for the true Machine God dwelled in the Noctis Labyrinthus deep below the crust of Mars. Their purpose is to compile and rationalise data so it can be entered into a central Cogitator repository. These proud and haughty warriors can trace their bloodlines back to Terra itself and are known as nobles. In return, the Mechanicus agreed to aid in the construction of the massive fleets and the provision of the technical aid necessary for the Imperium of Man to launch the Great Crusade. Dubbed the Venatorii, the new hunters were a force that was to remain separate to the recovering Skitarii forces of the sector and act as the true elite of the Lathes. The birthplace of the Adeptus Mechanicus was the ancient Forge World of Mars. Many perished in the terrible Warp Storms that engulfed the galaxy at that time before the birth of the Chaos God Slaanesh, but others survived or made their way forward at sublight speeds in realspace. Cortex Implants, which vary in function from simple memory circuit implants in the neurocortex intended to improve memory function to slim micro-, Electro-grafts, which are similar to Electoos in that they are electric circuits embedded in the epidermic layer of the skin, but are distinct in their purpose. Many warring factions vied for power on Mars and waged a brutal civil conflict using arcane and unimaginably destructive weaponry, including psychic abilities. The combined sets (linked below) contain 77 unique, detailed bases in 14 different sizes (25mm, 32mm, 40mm, 50mm, 55mm, 60mm, 80mm, 100mm, 130mm, 25x70mm, 35x60mm, 70x105mm, 94x120mm, and 105x170mm), and work great for figures from many popular games. The Tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus also regard organic flesh as weak and view the removal and replacement of biological tissue with mechanical, bionic parts as sacred. Armed with a Galvanic-caster, the Secutarii Peltasts are equipped for all manner of targets. The Cult Mechanicus believes knowledge to be the manifestation of divinity, and holds that anything embodying or containing knowledge is holy because of it.

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