god is doing a new thing sermon

That means He is still creative and doing new things! That's true in our professional life as well as our personal life. Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? Perhaps this indicates the continued struggle God still has with us in getting us to embrace Gods new thing. From the first Passover, to the crossing of the Red Sea, to the conquering of the Land of Canaan, to the building of the temple, the children of Israel had seen the hand of God at work in and through their lives. God can do new things within our lives. When a man gets promoted to a new level, everything becomes new. Three – We must look around and see what God is doing. 42:9). The new thing God is about to do in your life shall not be delayed. Last year was a season of fruitfulness but also preparation for the three years ahead. The new thing God is about to do in your life shall not be delayed. The call of every believer is to rise and shine with the light of His glory (Is. You Must See Your Possibilities as God Sees Them: I am making a way in the desert. No matter what excuses Jeremiah gave God, concerning his calling and His new season God continued to speak to Jeremiah’s potential. Thus the power and presence of the Lord is quenched by the familiar “tried and true” ways of doing “Church life and ministry.”. He then created mankind in His image and blessed them to cultivate the Garden of Eden. John came as a “voice crying in the wilderness” baptizing the people calling for repentance. He brings hope out of hopelessness and life out of death. God Is Doing A New Thing – part 1 December 7, 2018 “Behold, the former things are come to pass and new things I now declare : before they spring forth I shall reveal them to you” (Is. Moses beseeched the Lord to, “Show me Your ways, that I may know You…” (Exodus 33:13).It takes time to embrace the new as we repeat the same patterns and cycles that lead to little change. The children of Israel had experienced great spiritual blessings throughout their history. See, I am doing a new thing! God can take a dried up useless life and transform it into a life of purpose and grace. Are you prepared for it? 1. Others, based on fear, will compromise in order not to offend anyone. God will not begin a new thing in his church until he does away with the old. Often, it is in the context of "desert" or "wilderness" circumstances that He does some of His best work. 2:7). A New Thing. He then tells us that greater works shall we do in the power of the Spirit. This morning, in the book of Isaiah, God says, “I am doing a new thing! Instead of Kingdom life and prosperity, God’s people live in poverty. Join me in drawing nearer to the heart of God and inviting Him to do a new thing in you today. The Lord is starting a new thing in your life, family, business, and ministry. You need to hold unto God’s word and promises for a new thing that you desire in every area of your life. This is followed by intercessors pushing the issue to birth it. God, who had brought Israel out of Egypt and had destroyed the Egyptian army, was promising to do an even greater thing. Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? God sent the Holy Spirit with fire that birthed the New Testament Church. “A NEW THING” God is continually doing new things in our lives. Sermon. Isaiah 43:18,19. 1) Do we want it? The children of Israel had failed God miserably. 2. Humility and flexibility is the order of the day. What is the new thing that God is doing in his church? The 1st step to embracing the new thing that God wants to do in your life is to change your focus: quit looking behind and start looking ahead. O God, there's something new that we believe is going to happen. It's happening worldwide. God is doing a new thing all around us. Don’t try to make it happen, but stand in expectancy. 15 Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in anything ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you. Although God is the same yesterday and today, He is the author of change – the kind of change we can believe in that takes us “from glory to glory.”. Next Eastgate Academy FB / Live December 8th, Eastgate Academy FB/Live #3, – Voice of the Lord and the 2020 Election. The response of the “new thing” by some is to serve it before it is ready. God is about to do a new thing. Throughout scripture God often brings people to a new place where he does something completely new = amazing and literally world changing. God is bringing Scriptural truths to light, the revelation of Christ that expands our horizon. Many of us here this morning, if we’re honest with ourselves would admit that we have Indeed, God's "new thing" may be as close as a nearby church. Personally, I believe God is doing a new thing in his church today. Let me hear a new song from the sailors at sea, from people in every nation, from all the lands of the earth.”. His passion is that may be one just as He and the Father are one (John 17). As we come to a new season, we honour the past, give thanks to God for who He is and all He has done and prepare our hearts for the New Thing. See, I am doing a new thing! The “new thing” begins with a prophetic voice declaring the revelatory passions and will of the Father (Ps. Like traveling to a foreign county, it takes time to adjust to a new culture. God is doing a new thing. See, I am doing a new thing! 13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. If we are not recognizing the new, we will miss the time of His visitation. The new is not always familiar. Formality is the enemy of creativity. Notice God’s Message: Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. When God is doing a new thing in our lives, we tend to resist it. New wine must be seasoned before it is ready to serve. Is God doing a new thing in you? But here in Isaiah 43 God gives the Exiles who were facing hard times all the encouragement they need to put their trust in Him. He’s teaching me to just enjoy his presence in prayer knowing how much he loves me. Text: Isaiah 43:18 – 19. It is easy to get excited about a new season, especially when God has pre-emptively shown you part of the outcome. God's New Thing This Year Ernest L. Easley Isaiah 43 As we begin a new year together, take God's word and turn with me to Isaiah 43. Sometimes, God shows us things in advance so we can prepare. Change requires courage. “The Ascended Life” November 1st -3rd, Cape Cod Ma. God has given me a vision, which will usher in a number of changes. An angel revealed to Mary the Holy Spirit will come upon her and she shall conceive a child- the savior of the world (That’s real change). Two – God is doing a new thing! God is not abolishing divine truths. The chapter reminds us of so many aspects of God’s character. God had already set into motion the events and people who would lead Israel out of captivity and back into the land of blessing. The question is,  “Are we receiving the new that brings breakthrough, and how do we respond and host His presence in our midst with manifestations of the Spirit?”. Every time He blessed them with good things, they returned to Him evil things: The children of Israel did not deserve to receive anything from God. “Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them” (Isaiah 42:9). It’s a new day. He is asking us to SEE and RESPOND to His hand of preparation and purpose in our lives and in the Church - His Bride. Join us on Sundays at 10:30am | Wednesdays at 6pm. I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Often, God comes in a package that offends or doesn’t measure up to our theology and criteria. 42:9). He is making a way for you...even in that place where there seems like there is no way. New clothes. And this new work will be so glorious, it’s going to cause his people to praise him like never before: “Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise from the end of the earth, ye that go down to the sea, and all that is therein; the isles, and the inhabitants thereof” (42:10). 3:17. But the way God works is that he is always bringing new things to life. Others disregard the new preferring to remain in old familiar ways. God was not condemning them for their past, they could do nothing to change it. In Isaiah 43:19 God told Isaiah, “See, I am doing a new thing! As in Ezekiel’s graveyard, (37:10) the Lord is looking for those who will prophesy His purpose. By: Larry Gammons. And you don't have to travel far to behold it. I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.” The rain of the Spirit and His “times of refreshing” come through a new experience with God. Or What is it that you want Him to do in your life right now? TEXT: Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. Click through to learn the right way to respond to God's changes and what to expect. He’s also teaching me how to accept people for who they are, to not be offended, and to love like he loves. Why does there have to be change? Embracing tradition and our personal preferences hinders true spiritual growth. When God Is Doing Something New, and We’re Still Stuck in the Old by Debbie McDaniel "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. However, a new thing can mean different things to different people. With God we find that He has always been creative and creating and as the scripture says Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ … Paul shared with us this great secret of success in life and ministry. There’s always something new, something different, something better, than what we have right now. “I know a new thing is coming your way. PROPOSITION: To motivate the hearer to seek a new vision and a new in-terest in the things of God. 60:1). Through prophesy, visions and dreams, angelic visitations, the Scriptures as well as other prophetic means. A new phone. The children of Israel had many victories in their past: The question isn’t what has God done –the question must be:  What is God doing in your life right now? He is opening the eyes of our heart that we might see the knowledge of Him, to know the hope of His calling, the greatness of His power and the riches of His inheritance that is ours in Christ  (Eph. God says: Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Instead God was holding out the hand of hope. Jan Richardson, artist and … God loves to do “new things.” In Genesis God brought forth a new creation. Our Father is revealing His heart for us in this season. I Am Doing a New Thing – Sermon 17 March, 2013 “I am Doing a New Thing” We like new things, don’t we? In His infinite wisdom and sovereignty, God is taking actions and as expected, some new things will happen; He is the unchangeable changer, the one Who was, Who is and Who is to come; the same yesterday and today and forever more. In the immediate context, God was about to rescue his people from captivity and exile. With God we find that He has always been creative and creating and as the scripture says Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Is 43:18-25. Do not remember the former things. They needed a new portion of the faith that had brought to pass all the victories from before. That means He is still creative and doing new t “A NEW THING” God is continually doing new things in our lives. D. Invitation – “I know a new thing is coming. As the revived army of the Lord, being led by the Lord of Host, they will march victoriously to make a great advance. I want it in my life!” The First Sacrifice Is A Sacrifice Of Praise: Isaiah 42:9 TLB 10-12 NIV 9 Everything I prophesied came true, and now I will prophesy again. Check Out Our Latest Sermon Outlines and Their Related Backgrounds Below. It also means that God is about to surprise your enemies beyond recovery. The Holy Spirit is transitioning His people from Church life to Kingdom life. Tremendous advances in science and medicine have cured or … Jesus is our example for New Testament life and ministry. God has already set into motion a new direction and a new purpose for your life: will you follow Him? God’s creative nature is still alive. GOD WANTS TO DO A NEW THING IN YOUR LIFE. Do you not perceive it? 12 Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. When a man gets promoted to a new level, everything becomes new. The Scriptures are eternal. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. Topics: New Year. 3. However, a new thing can mean different things to different people. He did and Nineveh was saved but the story ends with the sulking prophet still wanting it his way. A dramatic and historical change occurred on Pentecost. The old is out and the new is in. See, I am doing a new thing! I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. The Lord is starting a new thing in your life, family, business, and ministry. God still stands before us and says See, I am doing a new thing. (18) 18 "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past Sometimes it isn’t until God does something by His grace that we look back with hindsight and with wonder proclaim, “That was God!”. Do you see possibilities or problems? 1:18) “For it is Christ in you the hope of glory” (Col 1:27). Gods new thing. God may be doing a new thing, but it can blow right by us—not because He’s indifferent about our experiencing, knowing, and being transformed by it, but because it calls for our participation, and He will never force that on anyone. Their old faith was not sufficient enough to deliver them from their present problems. In doing so, a fresh breath of the Spirit will revive the dead bones that they may come together as God created and set each one in the Church as it has pleased Him (1 Cor. As people of faith, however, we believe in a God of redemption, a God who is doing a new thing, a God for whom nothing is lost or wasted. We have just witnessed one such new thing in the life of Mary a young country girl who was entering what she thought was an ordinary world of being a wife and parent and respectable citizen she did all these yet God transformed her life and did a new thing. We prefer to hold on to the old because it is familiar and comfortable. He is in effect saying: Forget about your past — I am giving you an opportunity to start over. A new TV. The Lord’s Prayer to His heavenly Father is “Thy Kingdom come on earth as in heaven.” The gospel message and ministry of Jesus revealed the Kingdom of God. The leadership then takes a position to implement a breakthrough. Three years of multiplication and sustainable harvest. How? Seven Principles in Embracing the New Thing God is doing. He will make rivers in your desert. God is breaking down strongholds, transforming dark places into light places, and making hardened hearts into soft and compassionate hearts. ©2021 Destiny Eastgate Ministries | PO Box 711 | Camden, Maine 04843 | 207.230.8473 | [email protected] “Behold, the former things are come to pass and new things I now declare: before they spring forth I shall reveal them to you” (Is. Do you want it in your life? When God is doing “a new thing” our only security lies in God Himself and in His unchangeable character. He walked on water, feed the multitudes, healed the sick and raised the dead. God in His perfect purpose, determined direction and never-changing nature is doing a “new thing” as always among His people this season. God is able to transform the desert areas of your life into fields of blessing and abundance. 6:12). Change requires faith and patience with a willingness to navigate through the prophetic process that opens the gates for the invasion of heaven (He. Let God Do A New Thing In Your Life Isaiah 43:18-19. He will make rivers in your desert. Because God’s doing a new thing … He has a new word, a redeemed plan, a new work He wants to do. God is declaring “new things.” Before they spring forth, He will reveal them to you. Yet their faith in what God had done was doing nothing to deliver them from their present situation. We don't want sham, we don't want false fire, we don't want counterfeit, we want the real thing … I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. Father, I am sorry that I'm so weak, and just maybe not getting this across the way it should be or it must be. We are living in exciting times and it has just begun. God cannot do a new thing in you until you forget the past; you must see God beginning a new thing in you and must sacrifice your will for His will. God is doing a new thing everywhere. With God we find that He has always been creative and creating and as the scripture says Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. 19 See, I am doing a new thing! God Is Doing A New Thing, Isaiah 43:18-19 - YouTube We can all use a fresh start once in a while, especially when we feel a lack of hope in life. The new thing he’s doing is making it … “The Lord is that Spirit, for where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty – 2 Cor. I am doing a new thing.” He is calling us to come up and out of the ordinary and rise above our limits. Many a times we do the very same things that Jeremiah did. Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? Are you prepared for it? Relevant passage. God is continually doing new things in our lives. If you are continually looking behind you cannot see where you are going. Yet He still loved them and He earnestly wanted to help them change. God is telling us, “Let all my people worldwide sing my praises. 12:18). It’s time to declare new things. The Lord has promised to do a new thing. The teachings, intercession, new songs in worship, all declare as one that which God desires to bring forth in the unity and power of the Spirit. Isaiah 55:7. Psalms 95:7- 8. Listen to the full sermon. C. God cannot do a new thing in you until you sacrifice your will for His. We must open ourselves to that Spirit, who is loose among us doing these wild and new things. When God says to His Children He will do a new thing, it means you will move to a level of freedom you have never known before. Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? You need to hold unto God’s … As the Lord exhorted Joshua during the time of transition from the desert to the promise land,  “Be strong and of good courage, be not afraid, not be dismayed: for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). When the Spirit does move, many misunderstand why the Lord is present and that which He desires to do. As sons and daughters of the Creator, we are created in His image to prosper with signs and wonders in the freedom of the Spirit. Often God places us in tumultuous situations in order to embrace change that enables us to move forward. As we enter into this new year, it's only natural to want to reflect back over the previous year and consider what all was accomplished. They needed new faith, a new vision for what God could do. There is a biblical principle that governs any true move of God. If they refused God’s plan, if they refused to follow where God was leading, then they would be doomed to remain in their captivity. I will tell you the future before it happens. But that's not how we should act towards change. What do you see when you view your life? Yet this great work of the Spirit can't be found in a single location. A new car. I recall multiple occasions when God has shown me a little glimpse of what is to come, and I have acted on my own accord. The wind of the Spirit will bring new life to His people. The Lord has promised to do a new thing. God is giving wealth to the impoverished, bread to the hungry, water to the thirsty, hope to the hopeless, and faith to the faithless. Do you not perceive it? A new computer. But it was still up to them to decide if they wanted what God was offering. God is doing a new thing in my relationship with him and others. Not many people prefer grape juice, although sweet to the taste, it doesn’t contain the same “spirit” that seasoned wine contains. God is consistent in His treatment of His children but creative in His provision. Breaking the traditions of the religious leaders, Jesus came as the creative expression of God that did “new things” that we may know the love of the Father. A. Don’t evaluate what God is about to do by what He did in the past. While God is doing “new things,” His grace is present to learn of His ways. O God, O God, You're doing a new thing, You're calling a remnant of people from many lands, and You have a burning in their heart from the Holy Spirit. The question that this passage asks is not “Why” but rather “Do you want it?” God is doing a new thing … do we want it. Resurrection means new beginnings, God is doing a new thing but not unexpected. Let’s examine a few verses that confirm this. Jesus did all things new. 18 “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. As Jesus put it, he won’t put new wine into old wineskins. All Rights Reserved | Powered by NetParadigms©, Eastgate “School of Prophecy” Belfast Maine, School of Spiritual Trainers Oct. 18th -20th.

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