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Make sure habitat conditions are correct and continue to offer food and keep an eye out for other symptoms. Rubbing eyes or sides of head with forelegs. But there are some warning signs that you can watch out for in your turtles, I'll discuss them below. Symptoms usually appear six to 72 hours after contact with the bacteria and last about two to seven days. His eyes also water. Let’s take a look at half a dozen of the most common sick turtle symptoms and some (but not all) likely causes. I just got her back from my parents after i went on my honey moon and since then she has stopped eating and has a runny nose. do not know sex,age. You will also need to carefully monitor the warm and cool areas of the habitat, levels of ultraviolet light (all pet turtles need daily extended access to a UV light source to help their bodies make calcium for strong shell and bone development) and humidity levels (tropical turtle species in particular require humidity for the same). Stiff, swollen limbs and trouble walking. However, often it is a simple issue like nutrition, hydration, access to vitamins and minerals, access to natural light, husbandry (cleaning and maintaining the habitat), age or stage of life (such as pregnancy) that are at the root of most turtle and tortoise illnesses. If your tortoise's condition is not severe, then hand-feeding is the ideal way to make sure they are eating something. Some common sick turtle symptoms can have more than one potential cause, and only your exotic vet will be able to make the right diagnosis and prescribe the right type of treatment. Sunken eyes – in severe cases the centre of the cornea can be depressed Wheezing, gasping or open-mouth breathing. If you think you may have been exposed to COVID-19, contact your healthcare provider. Constipation (due to dehydration, lack of exercise, or impaction). Possible causes include dehydration, too much or too little humidity, a respiratory infection, or irritation from something in the turtle’s habitat (such as toxic woods like pine or cedar). This in turn ensures your tortoise gets a full spectrum of light which helps prevent metabolic bone disease and other health issues. Bloody, watery or discolored waste; constipation or diarrhea or both. Prolapse of the reproductive organs (where the organ falls outside the tortoise’s tail). You might be wondering what to look out for if you suspect your tortoise has been infected by a respiratory illness. You also need to fit a small tubular heater to the side wall of one of the walls in order to provide warmth at night. The giant African land snail, Sunken eyes – in severe cases the centre of the cornea can be depressed, The skin is often dry and powdery on the surface, Oral discharge that's quite smelly – putrid in acute cases. If your cat skips the occasional meal but otherwise eats normally, then you should watch closely for trends. The most common cause for these and similar symptoms is a respiratory infection. Answer Save. what could i do? “Bubbling” at the nose and mouth. Improper diets might lead to dehydration and malnutrition, causing renal failure and death. A basking light, typically a 60-100 watt spotlight, should be set-up on one end of the tank. Sick or injured. In turtles, most respiratory infections are caused by bacteria and are often secondary to Vitamin A deficiency. Follow care instructions from your healthcare provider and local health department. Lethargy at times when activity is normally observed. Some sick chicken symptoms are mild, leading to a day or two of not feeling up to par and exhibiting a low appetite.

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