list of foods containing red dye

The harshest Blueberry lesson since that bad girl in Willy Wonka! Do they last for minutes or days? Good job on going dye-free! I am glad to hear that your son is doing much better!!! I can attest to how hard that is to do. The whole family has decided tom go red dye free to make it easier for her. I am sure that it will help others. You can find alternatives for the foods that you are already eating. California Privacy/Info We Collect | My 3 year old has been having terrible headaches for over a year now... after testing for everything else, I'm using my momsense and going to start going red #40 free... .I hope it does the trick! My child has been diagnosed with ADHD and we are trying to make the best choices for her. None of that feels right, but it is so hard to see her try every day to have a good day and then not succeed. I hope this helps and I wish you the best. Your site has been the most helpful so far, Thank You. His electronic stimuli is VERY limited. Bingo! I then called a good friend that is VERY smart in holistic medicine and she told me how TOXIC that Red Dye 40 is! Wow its amazing that red 40 would have such a bad effect in kids. My husband had issues with red dye back in the early 70's . It takes me way too long to go grocery shopping these days. Did you check out the Red Dye Free Store listed on this site. Within 15 min of eating spaghetti she was OUT OF CONTROL. ", Artificial colors may cause Neurotoxicity. I know what you mean about the electronics. PRAGUE, Czech Republic Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reiterated a strong warning Monday to the Syrian government not... | | |, CNET | Metacritic | | ZDNet | MetroLyrics | | | | CBS College Network Knowing the children's behavior patterns (sweet, but unreachable sometimes), I called them before they left to let them know about our family's story with artificial dyes/preservatives/flavors (night and day improvement without them). It has the product name, brand, product type, food dyes the product contains and the year the data was collected, latest data collected being 2009-2010, so it's a little old. One-A-Day Essentials, a nice-sized, small red multivitamin has Red Dye #40 in it. We saw a difference in 3 days when we went dye free. How to change a school's food program, CBS Video: Common Food Additives Could Make Kids Hyper, 14. He is now 6 1/2 but has experienced odd rashes for the last couple years in addition to his eczema. However, certain foods can trigger migraines, and you were wise to keep a food journal so that you could help him stay away from those foods and dyes that might trigger his migraines. I will be looking for the dye free kind, but why in the world would you put dye in a medication that is supposed to help someone that could have such harmful, even life threatening effects!!!????!!!! Svetlana Foote/Shutterstock. It wasn't bad enough then that I couldn't ignore it until it subsided. I actually had an incidence this week with our sweet conure! Have you really noticed a difference when your children consume red dye 40? I am sure that it didn't affect him. Your amazing!!!!! Thanks for sharing!!! Strawberry or raspberry milk can contain red dye, as can some ice creams and yogurts. I have never been allergic or sensitive to anything.....until....I noticed about a year ago that I would get a weird feeling when I ate certain foods. Thanks in advance! I couldn't believe the difference in my child either! Now I realize that it must have been the dye, and I gave him more with the Benadryl!! I still can't believe they put it in so much stuff, and for no reason, especially when there are plenty of natural sources for coloring. I don't eat there either. i am in 7th grade and i am doing a power point on red 40. any important or very uknown tips?? I was asked to send in a doctor's note explaining that he is not to have any artificial food colors in his food or drink beverage due to sensitivities towards the dyes. I also avoid foods that say "Color added" because it can be Carmine - derived from a bug. :) I am so glad that you have found the benefits of removing artificial dyes and your children are feeling and doing better! At his annual physical, I was not shocked to see his weight percentile was declining. Dairy Products and Frozen Desserts Ice cream, popsicles, and other frozen treats are obvious sources of food dyes. The Saudi religious police launched Thursday a nationwide crackdown on stores... Thailand's "Red Shirts" Try to Go Incognito. Mine are virtually gone since I connected the dye to my hot flashes. LOl. Processed foods have come a long way, but at the expense of our growing health problems. Don't you think its time that the FDA corrects the information on its website about the impact of Artificial Dyes on Behavior? So thank you to my doctor for suggesting that. You asked about Pizza - we have had good results with Papa Johns -(but don't eat the yellow peppers (might have Yellow dye), also Dominoes Pizza has worked well for us. I struggle with that all the time and I have to be consistent with how much I allow them to play. Thai national flags are stuck into a screen of a resting area at the encampment of anti-protesters on April 26, 2010, in Bangkok, Thailand. She is exhausted from working the night shift to help pay the bills, and mentally and emotionally exhausted at home due to the stress of this child. If it helps even one mom, parent or adult connect the dots and save a life.....hat off to you! He came inside and his face was all broken out just like his arm. alka selzer??? Thank you for all the info! But it hit me when I realized her 7 year old sister was acting the same way(and she is NEVER like this!). It is a very hard thing to do keeping all dyes away from your children but it is so worth it and at only 5 he knows they make him feel bad and will go with an alternative choice ( I have to bring snacks and juce with me to party's and other events), Just found this place. It is always easier when you eat your own foods, but research will help to avoid many pitfalls. She was absolutely out of control--spinning in circles, throwing herself into furniture and down on the floor. It really does get easier. All their chocolate sauces (for ice cream or coffee) have red 40 in them. I sure hope your son feels better soon. Red Dye Free is now on Facebook and Twitter! Just figured this out last year. My doctor was AMAZING in suggestion with diet. Took him to an allergist last month expressing my concern over all artificial colors and they sent me to a lab for bloodwork. E129. She explained that with the poison Red Dye in my body that my body was "acidic" and I needed to get back "alkaline". I just found and tried recently Sprite Cranberry. I always have hives in the mornings. The next afternoon he played outside when it was hot. But on her Birthday the other day I took her to McDonald's to play. No diagnosis with the doctors but it seems that he can just be hyper at times. Mentally and physically disabled Lebanese and Palestinians carry Palestinian flags and banners in Arabic that read:" yes for the support, no to... Valentine's Day Makes Saudi Cops See Red A week later I went back to doctor and she read me the results. :). This blog was created to help you find the information you need. YES!!! He still has a bad day here and there but he is a 6yr old boy afterall! I really hope this works. Woke up yesterday with zero hives. Best of luck. For the Sweet Tooth - Candies without Artificial Dyes! Last night I made a"no bake-cherry cheesecake" and one bite and he had a reaction. I wanted to know what other alternatives we could do before we went that far. Has anyone had or heard anyone having regurgitation issues with an allergy like this? (But coping skills can only go so far. It is the disodium salt of 2,4,5,7-tetraiodofluorescein.Its maximum absorbance is at 530 nm in an aqueous solution, and it is subject to photodegradation. I panicked and thought, what did I feed him?? I am so irritate by the allergist doctor my 4 year old saw. It turns out that I am extremely allergic to Allura 40 (Red Dye 40) and break out in hives & rash. Good luck with the school lunches! I am happy that you were able to find the information you need to help your three year old. plz. Everyone is better off avoiding these dyes. The Nutella has vanillin in it, I thought I read somewhere that vanillin has red dye in it. I am going to cut out all red dye #40, and try that, after a parent teacher confrence my son's teacher told me about the red dye, and I am going to try and cut it out and see if there is a difference. Her mood, sensitivity, attitude, behavior - EVERYTHING goes haywire! Shared via AddThis Salmon and red meat are becoming another hot topic. Any suggestions on that one? For my child and for myself, it takes a day for the effects to wear off. Initially thought it was caffeine, but other caffeinated products don't bother me. I explained to the doctor that we have taught our daughter that when she feels the "out of control" behavior coming on then she needs to communicate that to us so we can teach her some coping skills. Stay up the good paintings! A study of nearly 300 children by the United Kingdom’s Food Standards Agency in 2007 showed that the consumption of foods containing dyes could increase hyperactive behavior in children. Here is a short list of items that may contain cochineal-derived colorant: Frozen meat and fish (e.g., artificial crab meat) Soft drinks, fruit drinks, energy drinks, and powdered drink mixes Yogurts, ice cream and dairy-based drinks The color of food is now a strong influencer in assuming the flavor of a food, for example, to make … : Why Can't She Cope? It's amazing what a huge difference it can make for some children by just removing the artificial dyes. I am in the process of forming a movement within my community, that will hopefully spread across the country, so that we as parents and adults can force the FDA to not only truly test the effects these dyes & preservatives have on children- but to Enforce a LAW that requires companies to List a warning on their pretty little packages: Red #40, Aluminum Lake, yellow #5, Fumeric Acid, BHA,BHT, ..,the list goes on and on. It definately has an "ick" factor to it! If I were to be standing on the outside looking at my life, I would have to describe it as this: "This little girl is like 10 children all rolled into one. For our family it was that miracle and that is why I dedicate my time to share with others will not needlessly suffer. I just could not see how any disorder could come and go - that she would have no behavior problems for days, and then be unable to not have them. I have just solved the problem in my home with my 5 and 2 yr old!! It has been hard for me to determine the problem as we thought it was a GI issue. When I have a migraine from red dye, i suffer for at least 24 hours. Red Dye #40 is found in almost all categories of food. Check the ingredients in Black Forest Gummys. I was taking the Price Chopper version & it made me break out in a rash on my throat and neck. Thank you all for the information given on this page, as now i will be shopping VERY differently. Some fake butters in butter-flavored popcorn contain it. To neutralize the reaction, give the child a glass water with sodium bicarbonate (Alka-Selzer Gold contains no asprin) and in 5 minutes the child will calm back down. I appreciate the grocery items. Food colorants are also used in a variety of non-food … I found your site months ago and I began to experiment. 3, also known as erythrosine, is a We didn't need to find alternates in our case because they just avoided the very few items that had the dyes. We obviously do whatever we can to avoid allowing her to have any -EVER! Could you please tell me which vitamins contain red 40 and red 3? Foods Can Still Be Colorful without Synthetic Food Dyes and Lakes like Red dye 40. Thanks again for all of your good work! I thought before he had a problem with red dye but then on his good days he would have something with red dye in it and be fine. I washed his arm and hoped it would get better. My son is now 25 years old and he still tries to avoid the Red Dye, not because his Mom says to, because it causes him indigestion. You might have to ask the store manager to help you either find it or ask if they can stock it in their store. I am glad that you have found this site helpful. I couldn't agree with you more! I know what your talking about my son would literally bounced off the walls and wouldnt listen to anything or anyone and screamed all the time, I had a friend tell me about the red 40 and her son, she told me to start looking for it and try everything I could to take it out of the things he eats. You are so lucky to find out so quickly! Bless you!!!! What I am worried about now is what they call "pinked meat" I have just heard of it. We beg to differ! Thanks. Apparently, it is a common substitute in the US. I hadnt related it to any allergy because i have never been allergic to anything before. This dye is responsible for coloring yellow and orange foods and medications. So one night I said fine I will make spaghetti but he had to deal with our daughter's behavior. But your favorite yogurt might also have some red dye lurking within. Thank you so much for posting that comment about Bosco Strawberry Syrup. Caramel color is derived from petroleum just like the other food dyes.. Really, My Son went from having HORN'S on his head to a HALO in 24hrs by taking RED 40 out of his diet. I have been doing research and am considering putting my 6 year old on a dye-free diet for a trial period. I stared asking him several times a day how his stomach felt and was sad to hear it hurt at least some every day, some days much worse. 15 minutes after eating some the palpitations started. I would like to share the following articles that I read yesterday about producers using artificial colors to enhance the colors of frui... Domino's Pizza recently changed the taste of their pizza with their new garlic seasoning on the crust. About a year a go my son was having these really bad tempers. So i stop giving him anything that had red dye in it. Enough to change them into COMPLETELY different kids. As animals, we respond to those visual cues in our food and the food industry recognizes that fact. Because red dye 40 is found in almost everything, it is important to read ingredient labels for anything new that you are adding. Foods with red dye include candy, baking ingredients, beverages, dairy products, and a variety of snack foods. I don't think so!! It is however, in her daily vitamin. Skip forward a month. I just found out that Lipton Sweetened Iced Tea with Lemon has Red 40 in it. Within minutes I am getting that unnerving weird feeling. Thank you. He had a cupcake at snack time today (someone's birthday) and teacher said within minutes he was starting to bounce around. She was like possessed sweet one day then throwing chairs accross the room. Thank you greatly. Cheers!Timberland Women's Earthkeepers Mount Holly Tall Lace Duck Boot. Not to take it anymore. She is happy and angry practically at the same time. Also does anyone know of a great tasting natural kids vitamin? Today I stumbled across a video and I was excite... Greetings to all Principals, Faculty, and members of the Food Services for School! If you notice that your son is still experiencing headaches, it is possible that he gets migraines. I had gone so far as to getting an ultrasound on her tummy to see if there was GI problems....of course everything came out fine. Dear Anonymous Dec. 26th, Thank you for your post. If there has been a product change, please let me know and I will immediately remove the vitamins from the store. My daughter reacts to blue and red dyes ...i am still searching for alternatives like mample syrup lolliops are her fav !! All very helpful.As for the natural vitamin, I have a friend that mentioned that Trader Joe's carries a natural children's vitamin that does not have red 40. If you don't buy anything at the store at least you can see different alternatives for dye-free products. All Kids Come With Their Own Set of Instructions! Thanks!!! Red No. The foods listed below are only suggestions of what is available without red dye 40. You know, many people are hunting round for this information, you could help them greatly.Tsunami PR601BL-25 1/0 Gauge Power Cable (25 Feet, Blue), Hello there, just became alert to your blog through Google, and found that it is really informative. Perhaps many others are suffering like you did. I did. Some people are highly allergic to Carmine. I'm raising my 3 yr. old grandson and have been trying to eliminate red dyes from his diet for a year now. I keep testing people are allergic to Kipper Brown but we can’t figure out what people are eating that still has that dye in it. Thank you for your comments! This would be a good persuasive paper or a very informative paper. It worked and it worked quickly. I just want to get the word out to help as many children so that they wouldn't have to waist time going through what we went through. If you get the food coloring 4 pack in the baking aisle an put one drop of the red under the childs tongue and the behavior changes (i.e.-excessive energy, aggressive behavior) the child has a sensitivity to the dye. (We suspect Popsicle Fudge pops do contain it too!) someone please tell e if strawberries and pizza will cause the red dye reaction??!! I am glad he is doing better! I like this blog! It seems a bit overwhelming at first glance. I will have to say she is adjusting very well to organic snacks. All fine. Please keep us updated - perhaps others have similar experiences. I still cannot believe what I have ingested all these years and even worse, what I fed to my son! He has been off red dye 40 for about a month now with drastic improvement. Same reaction as before! The artificial dyes are very unhealthy - derived from petroleum. Thank you for this site and I hope it saves many lives!! So, I think they are related and I am heading in the right direction. They also mix it with blue to create some green colors. I am very glad that you found this site useful. I just discovered my 15 month old had red dye # 40 allegry and possibly other dyes i will be discussing it with her pedi. Ad Choice | He only had one piece....." It was frustrating, but now people that I am close to understand that it is important for my children to avoid it. Its so hard. thankfully, I figured it out myself. It is virtially impossible to have a kid avoid the dye completely because it is in so many items. Yippy. I have learned alot! Food coloring, or color additive, is any dye, pigment or substance that imparts color when it is added to food or drink.They come in many forms consisting of liquids, powders, gels, and pastes.Food coloring is used both in commercial food production and in domestic cooking. Cookie Policy | I started to see a pattern and by reading the labels on her food found that days when she had Tartrazine- the new name to hide Yellow 5- she had guaranteed inability to stay calm, control impulses, and communicate with her huge vocabulary rather than violence. Thank you for your post! I tried to read all of the comments, so I'm sorry if this question has been asked and I missed it. I just figured out that my son can't have this stuff. ~ Jane Hersey, Healing the New Childhood Epidemics: Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies: The Groundbreaking Program for the 4-A Disorders ~ Kenneth Bock. The biggest problem that we have with him is that he has a hard time concentrating and staying focused. (Pizza Hut sauce) Over the years we became avid readers of the ingredients in everything and avoided the dyes. I contacted our school dietian and like your school, she asked me to circle a few "favorite" menu items and she would look up ingredietns, so the school is being helpful. * Many children do well without medication and avoiding artificial colors is a good idea for anyone. I'll look for your petition to sign! :). Which is so not true. I went down a list of what else I had eaten, thinking the gravy, but looking online to their ingredients used, it was red dye. Our older was more calm at his age. :). Obviously they aren't listing everything though because they aren't listing what artificial colors they are using! Yes, it is surprising to learn of all the things that have the dye in them. Thanks for your info. This mother had truly lost herself amidst the chaos that has taken over her life. Besides, how hard could parenting be after teaching a class of thirty... Keeping my children from eating artificial dyes is getting easier. Red dye is a very common ingredient in breakfast cereals as well. I accidentally bought a supplemental fruit snack that looked completely organic, but it had artifical colors... After a week of crazy squawking and fierce biting from our beloved bird, I looked at the one thing I changed recently - the fruit supplement! You get used to buying the same foods the kids like, and then you add to that list by checking labels. It was a scary feeling, like I wasn't in this world. I felt like I was going to die! Juicy Bears has artificial dyes, the package looks the same as the others, and I served them to my kids and nephew, they have red and blue dye allergies. Here again mostly the foods containing red dye are the ones which are raspberry, strawberry or cherry flavored ones, although sometimes grape and apple flavored drinks might also contain the red 40 dye. They are in bed with Monsanto as well as Big Pharma to make American sick. I decide to make a salad. K&K's MomSorry if this posted already - My 7 yr old has had problems since she was 15 months old. I took him to a allergy doctor in Provo, UT once a month for 2 years (I live in Boise, ID) for shots to desenitize him to the drastic effects in addition to removing it from his diet. I just came across the website listed below. (Ask EN)(Report): An article from: Environmental Nutrition, Tsunami PR601BL-25 1/0 Gauge Power Cable (25 Feet, Blue), Timberland Women's Earthkeepers Mount Holly Tall Lace Duck Boot, Center for Science in the Public Interest, Chocolate Craft Kits - Sells Natural Food Dyes, Last night, we had spaghetti, and he was up fighting sleep until midnight, wouldn't calm down at all. His reaction was like whatever. and i am trying to find only white freezies i know i can make my own but its nice to have somethings the same with out picking threw the box lol thanks for the list is gets me started : My son has suffered from eczema since he was about 1 1/2 years old. I agree with you about the yellow dyes as well. She is so afraid to eat anything red or pink. He also got Nutri Grain strawberry cereal bars almost every day which also had red 40. Frustrating also. I have to tell you something else that happened a week ago. Poison, toxic and almost lethal in my case! It came back as negative for red dye allergy. "But he didn't eat that much of that candy. My daughter is almost 7 years old. But they had been playing with cheap modelling clay FOR hours over the past two days. I'm glad you all found my site. If you are trying to avoid carcinogens try to remove all dyes to get healthier alternatives. His concentration is mostly with school.

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