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Marcello Gandini : Maestro of Design. The new Lele, named for Piero Rivolta’s wife Rachele (Lele is a diminutive), broke cover at the 1969 New York Auto Show, in part to tempt American buyers. Marcello Gandini It may sound paradoxical, but this industrial innovation largely relied on the presence of highly quali ed traditional craftsmen. Marcello Gandini of Bertone styled the Lele. When my wife told him most middle class homes in Indian cities have a cook to serve fresh hot rotis, the Gandini … The Iso Lele (or Iso Rivolta Lele) is a grand tourer that was produced by the Italian automobile manufacturer Iso Automoveicoli S.p.A. between 1969 and 1974. A milestone and an icon. But I do own a BMW X6, and my wife drives an X3. The condition was that the book must not be about the man himself but rather about the cars he designed. Marcello Gandini’s brilliant 1966 Lamborghini Marzal was a bold milestone in the development and wholesale adoption of this theme. Featured here is an Iso (Rivolta) Lele, penned by the great Marcello Gandini himself while at Bertone. The car sector in particular benefited from the great number of extremely capable frame-builders, or scoccai , and panel-beaters who fixed the sheet metal over the wood framework. Iso returned to Bertone for the Lele but the stylist would be Marcello Gandini, who had also penned the Espada. Marcello Gandini, who worked for Bertone at the time, designed eye-catching clamshell front and rear ends around a compact passenger cell, garnishing his … The model was positioned between the top-end Grifo, and the more practical four-door Fidia. So how did an interior designer end up designing this as his first ever job? It was an evolution of his seminal 1966 Miura, which still sported a distinct shoulder over its husky rear wheel hips, as well as the precursor to the Espada , Lamborghini’s long-running and successful 2+2 coupe. Marcello Gandini Story - Part 2: The Miura. It's possibly the most widely represented car ever, queen of all car magazines. Gandini – famously – is a very private man. The Lele, being a 2+2-seater, filled the gap between the Grifo and the Fidia while sharing its powertrain with its siblings. The first supercar to many and a revolution in the streets. Ultimately, it was Marcello Gandini’s body finding its way to the pre-production cars. The Lele Arrives. The car is named after Lele Rivolta, wife of Piero Rivolta. The publication of this book arose only when Gandini’s wife and daughter persuaded him to agree to it, following the release of a couple of inaccurate and unsanctioned articles in 2012 and 2013. Bizzarrini Car Model Summary* Bizzarrini S.p.A. was an automotive manufacturer in the 1960s, founded by former Alfa Romeo, Ferrari and Iso engineer, Giotto Bizzarrini. Then there’s Marcello Gandini, ... What’s in my garage is boxes. Posted on 18:33 by Unknown. The car rides on the common Iso chassis, originally designed by the great Giotto Bizzarrini (of Ferrari 250 GTO and Breadvan fame). And somewhere I’ve got a Fiat Topolino and some scooters.

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