my husband wants me to sleep with another woman

Is this normal sexual behavior? What happens if she gets pregnant? My phone beeped again. I’ve certainly seen marriages which have been saved by open sexual relationships but I’ve also seen it take a marriage which was teetering right on the rocks and smash it straight into the cliff. My wife became uninterested in our sex life about 10 years ago.She then became progressively more distant. I mean, it’s an option, but not a good one. However, you have to admit that you haven’t spent a lot of time with your husband lately. I firmly believe that every marriage has the endless capacity to both heal and grow. I feel like killing him,but a beggar has no choice. I want to caress them and for them to caress me. by randyortonsgurl Follow. You are reading a story of this particular fantasy. I’ve had this question enough times it’s time we addressed it publically. my wife is not into women (as far as i know) so this isnt about her wanting to get her wicked way with another woman, she asures me. Dreaming of your husband having a fight with another woman – If you dreamed of seeing your husband having a fight with another woman, such a dream often reveals your insecurity about the feelings your husband has for you, although he has never given you any reason to doubt his fidelity. These are just reasons I see and if you’re asking should I let my husband sleep with another woman you need to be honest with yourself about what you’re dealing with. No matter what precautions are being taken this is a conversation that needs to happen. First, be sure that your hubby wants to sleep with someone else. The main goal is to eliminate the reason why does your husband want to sleep with another woman. A little more than four years ago, my husband left me for another woman. Megan R. agrees, sharing that she has no problem with her husband's female friend. Don't be surprised if he tries to join in on the party. If you have children, they are the priority, and that is the way it should be. She is real close to her mother and told me that her mother is real lonely and depressed. This could be one of the clues that he is in an extramarital affair. Maybe his libido is simply higher than yours. That This isn’t an uncommon occurrence. My husband tells me he doesn’t. How to Find Out What Your Husband Has Been Looking at Online. That is why couples need to work hard to keep their passion going and make things fun. How To Win My Husband Back From The Other Woman. I love my husband of 20 years, but our sexual differences are putting a strain on our marriage. When you had a dream about your husband with another woman, this means you feel neglected by your significant other. sleeping with my husband's best friend Romance . You enjoyed a happy marriage with the husband that you love, and it never seemed anything... Why Does My Husband Want To Sleep With Another Woman? ... About a month ago my wife told me that she is having a “pre-mid” life crisis. My children are in their mid-20s, and if I left my husband he would become their problem, which isn’t fair. Some women love the idea of their husband sleeping with someone else. My wife has told me a number of times that she wants me to have a once off no-strings attached sex with another woman of her choosing. If he is sleeping with another woman things are sure to change! We are so special together and I know in my heart that we are supposed to be with each other. Letting your partner sleep with someone else should be a choice to make things better, not a way to pre-empt cheating due to an underlying problem. His behavior will change, his demeanor, his attitude, etc. My husband says he loves another woman and is thinking of leaving me. My husband and I have been role playing for years. Now, get that fancy dress out of that closet, and make sure to look your best. He says that this relationship gives him balance. But that only works if you’re both very open and honest about what the rules are and why you’re doing it. My husband is not okay with me sleeping other men yet and that is okay with me. I have seen lot of cases of a husband getting caught up in an emotional and physical love affair with another woman and at the same time trying to convince himself that he must not be in love with his wife anymore. We’re hard-wired to procreate and while we’re perfectly capable of staying with the same partner there’s no off switch for sexual attraction. Adding some fun to your sex life is one thing but this isn’t a panacea to all your marital problems. Can you cope with him being with someone else? But if you feel that your husband’s interactions with other women are crossing the line, it’s important that you speak with him about respecting your boundaries. It’s no sin to have a good time. After getting the confirmation, you should find out whether they only dream about other women, or they did something to make that happen. Required fields are marked *. I have only had one lover (my husband) and it would be so erotic to sleep with another man. Even privacy from friends seems fine. Jump to Latest Follow Status Not open for further replies. My partner and father to my children seems to have found the sexual appetite that I have lost, and his desires and advances for intimacy often go ignored. If generally, … A game of poker gave Julie’s* husband a chance to sleep with another woman – and she felt she had no choice but to go along with it. Question Posted by: Dave | 2017/06/13 Q. I suspect my husband of 11 years has been seeing other women for a long time but he has now been having an affair with the same women for the past four years. This isn’t an uncommon occurrence. Once again, the reason may be routine and the fact that you are “always around.”. My wife asked me if I would have sex with her mother today. After you know what he wants – you also need to work out for yourself what you want. You noticed the signs, and here are the reasons why he wants someone else. Another one of his fantasies is watching me in bed with another guy. (Or whatever … This is a nightmare that most women will not wish to have it happened especially when she loves her husband … My husband of 12 years left me two years ago for another woman, i was broken, i did and continue to, really love him, he is my soulmate in everyway. I am a 38-year-old married woman. In some cases, the hubby already cheated when the wives find out, and that is when you should adjust your approach. I agree that things have changed in the 21st century however my belief is that a marriage is a commitment between two people that should not be shared by sleeping with other people, however I did state that if he was ok with his wife sleeping with another woman then it is entirely up to him. This is for the wife who’s “best friend” is chatting up … How simple it was to rationalize my approaching transgression as necessary. She hasn't given me much reasoning other than, "I want you to be able to compare me to someone else," and well, "to gain experience," thinking I'll be a better lover as a result. It can serve as a stress release and make them feel better. The other woman needed to be gone before they could really have a chance to work things out or to save the marriage. Alternatively, you may even consider separating. She left a teaching job to take care of our 2 kids. Women have come to me with their husbands and have admitted that they have done so. But after a few months of thinking about it, it has entered into my own fantasy. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. He tells me he sit’s every day by himself in the break room. Maybe there are just smaller things you can change there or make more time for each other. However, over the last year he's been fantasizing about me having sex with another man. Maybe because of the way you feel you tend to distance your husband from other women. My wife and I have been married for nearly 20 years. My Husband Is In Love with another Woman but Wants to Stay With Me: My Husband Told another Woman He Loves Her. It is particularly difficult when you are getting older, and you can’t neglect that fact when you look at yourself in the mirror. "One of my husband's closest friends is a woman," she says. He also makes me feel attractive and desirable. We have three teenage children. My husband won't sleep with me After 15 years together, the rest of my life is stretching out before me, a desert devoid of passion or lust . My Mom Told Me Not to Marry My Husband...And Now She Loves Him This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to … Before I give my answer, lemme give you a bit of background: I'm divorced. She is a good friend of mine and we have joked about it for a while. We have three teenage children. Let me tell you, it is much simpler to try this outside of India with a … It used to seem like you are the only woman in the world for your hubby. It wasn’t until my husband mentioned one evening that he’d kissed another woman and liked it and wanted to do more than kiss next time that I realized how my status as a woman depended on a single fact: that my husband fucked only me. The short answer is it really depends on why you both want to do this. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you think it is the best move, you can give him the green light to sleep with other people. Perhaps she just meant basically what my husband was telling me. For those of you who don’t know me (yet), my name is Katrina and I’ve heard it all. The foundation of all happy marriages is trust and comfort with … I don’t think you should let your husband sleep with another woman purely because you think it’s a better alternative to cheating. I was shocked that she even suggested that I do such a thing. I was totally pissed off at the idea initially. He may be seeking another woman to confirm that he is still attractive. If you’re entertaining the idea allowing him to sleep with other women because “he’s going to cheat anyway” then this isn’t going to work. Getting Your Spouse To Remove Themselves From The Person That They've Been Cheating With: In my mind, there was no wiggle room with this. Your hubby may be burdened with all the expectations in his work and private life. I will put it clearer to you. I have recently let my husband sleep with another women. I’ve had to make a lot of guesses here about what’s going on. It is simple – a new person in their life also means a fresh and exciting experience, and your hubby sees it as an excellent way to break the monotony of everyday life. Although i know what he did was wrong, i do understand it as we very rarely had sex and i have allowed myself to become overweight, he isnt attracted to overweight women and so it caused a problem. I assume you have at least some doubt and there’s a couple of ways you could try dealing with it. That my wife had to sleep with him before he can render any help. It could be he’s already seeing someone else. Q. My husband and I have been married for 5 years, we are both 35. I'm flattered by the attention. If your husband is the one proposing the idea of letting him sleep with other women there’s a chance he’s already one step ahead of you. She has been divorced for many years and never had another man in her life. Ten years ago, he asked me to talk dirty to him about having sex with other men. She said that she has lost her identity and independence. He wants sex more often than you do. I was out of town and gave her the green light. Provide as much or little detail as you'd like. Andy* and I met at university. when she is an untrustworthy woman, no longer believes in marriage or never believed in it and just put up with it for a while, etc). That may happen for various reasons, including: It is important to determine why your marriage is going through a rough patch. So while I can’t tell you why I can help you understand if it’s a good idea for your marriage. Dealing with the cause of an issue is what saves your marriage in the long-term. If they aren’t doing it, they are thinking … So you found your boyfriend texting another girl behind your back and now everything seems to be crumbling. While I love giving general marriage advice, every marriage is unique in some way. Aging can be the fact that your husband may not affect that easily. Cut off your friendship with the other woman. i told him i didn't want to, but he begged and begged me to do this and i finally told him i would. He also makes me feel attractive and desirable. It is in human nature to look for validation. He is unusually busy. By Rich Juzwiak. When you get married, you think of a happily ever after but sadly not every marriage is bliss. He doesn’t want to sleep with you.

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