political party creator game

Healthcare - I believe everyone has a right to healthcare regardless of financial background. As long as the baby isn't like all big and stuff in the stomach. World Affairs - Good relations with other nations is essential. We just wont pump too much of our money into it. Ignoring the Elephant in the Room . Pro-choice. As he put ti it was always recorded by the victors so there was always a benefit of looking at the other side. Poor: No help from the government (except from the cases above). For the good of the country we believe there should be absolutely no organized political parties allowed, and that the way the american government works, while flawed at times, would be greatly superior if the demise of all political parties came about, enforcing a law that all elected officials essentially present their view points as much as possible through organized rallies, speeches, debates and the like, and we the people decide if they match our views. -I'd have a program to help those lesser fortunate who can't afford a car to get free bikes or bikes for cheaper to get around easier as well as deals for Metro Cards(example in a city like where I live NYC) A lot of folks drive, alot don't... -I'd make sure jobs and companies that are hiring would take the time to train people, as oppose to "only experienced apply" most jobs are not the FBI, therefore they can take the time to train new comers to offer more opportunities for people seeking jobs. Abortion: Should be illegal, because an embryo is a human life. War: Many times war is essential. Strict environmental protection. Add the finishing touches to your room with bunting and fabric. Environmental Protection - Is a must, government campaigns so the people are aware, and the dangers of smoking. Immigration: Borders are fully open and there is no restrictions for any immigrants wishing to enter the country so long as they do not have a very large felony (examples being murder, major larceny, arson, armed robbery etc.) I would have a very small Parliament as well and abolish ridiculous groups (like our Senators?!) Did you visit the link for the drug policy of Sweden? #1 = most important, #10 = least important, Rank each of the following in order of importance to you in terms of HOW the federal, government spends its money. Trade: Free trade and market. Hippies should not be allowed to exist. Political Parties: Heeerrree's the real kicker. We would spend lesson after lesson in in depth class discussion relating a point in history to modern politics or problems of today etc. To help the Israel/Palestinian Problem, we will get rid of the old road map, and replace it with a new sat nav instead. Create Your Own Quiz. Education: We will increase the number of Women teachers throughout the education System as we are strong believers of ‘Female Intuition’. -You MUST be a US citizen to drive, have a license. Have town hall meetings every two years with MPs and have them represented in Parliament to determine allocation. It will help you to generate 1000's of cool Political Party Names which you can use in books, novels, games, or whatever fantasy world you want to use it. Or the A.D.P! If it is beneficial then it is legal. Environmental Protection - Very focused on the environment - education and protection first, then remedial action. Cheap healthcare for the middle class. Easily create your own political cartoons: just drag and drop pre-animated characters on canvas. Term limits would be imposed on Congressmen and Justices, though Justices would be allowed the longest terms. War - No war would be necessary unless it was seriously needed. -During elections, NO personal attacks, racist attacks, sexist attacks. No need to spend millions to police the world. Harder drugs should still remain illegal, but we should take a more proactive approach teaching people why drugs are bad for them, and how to stay away. Collective Bargaining - Unions are an integral part of the American working system that allows everyday workers an ability to effect their quality of work experience. One innocent man put to death is too many, and we have seen many cases where someone who was given the death penalty ended up either innocent, or serious doubt was introduced as to whether they did it. You can have a gun if you are the legal adult. In order to influence Evansville in the direction your political party feels it should go it is imperative that you have a member of your party elected to a position of political power. If you have a family income of under $30000 a year, you should receive some help from the government, but that’s it. Minimum wage would always be raised with inflation. Equal taxes for everyone. You may not use any pre-existing names or images, nor may you. War: No starting dumb wars. OK. Interactive Model. The costs of developing the infrastructure would reap vast return in the long term by the increased GDP capable of making infertile lands productive. Go political with Animatron! Voters will be asked during elections how they would prefer their taxes being utilized. currently union movements in many places don't represent the interest of their members as well as they once did. But anyway, my beliefs would be a mix of social liberalism and social democracy. Defence: Very important. Only in extreme cases when the life of a woman is threatened, but the government should not give financial help. -I'd probably have Civil Unions for Gay people(regardless of what you do you can never please everyone with this topic but that being said I don't like Straight or Gay bashing). When complete, you should be in a place where you could explain to someone else quickly the core beliefs and basic platform of your party. Teaching purely facts serves little to no purpose in truly educating a child. The first thing a new political party should do is to name itself appropriately. War: Protect our allies if they protect us, and if someone hasn't done something to our country positive or negative, we do not intervene. While also decreasing wait times in hospitals and improving healthcare in senior home. by investing in infrastructure and education. No cuts in spending on defence. Before unions practices such as child labor, dangerous work environments, and extreme hours with no increase in pay were commonplace. This unit is designed to provide students with an introduction to the electoral processes of the American political system. I'm talkin' coast guard, Navy, national guard. Activists and hippies are silly people. The logo is a wolf. I'll call my party...Demoplublic. Energy - as with environment the investment in clean energy sources would pay itself in the long run. Eurofit: The European Constitution which will be sorted out by going for a long Walk. Softer drigs would be legalized. Restrict/prevent trade with nations with Human Rights Violations. World Affairs - Have the Foreign Affairs Ministry expanded with a focus on assisting nations in obtaining economic autonomy. Die Macher takes about 240 minutes (four hours) per game. Players propose and vote on legislation, form cabinets, determine economic policy and join international treaties as they compete for votes with other political parties in their nation. Create Your Own … Political Party Name: Dalise Chhe Individually, create your ideal political party using your own beliefs about things like the size and scope of government, international relations/foreign policy, and social/environmental/fiscal issues. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The fire arm is no longer the true weapon of freedom. Gay Marriage: Completely legal and should have no difference between traditional ones. Answering these questions honestly will help guide your party platform. Universal healthcare, specifically tax supported government controlled healthcare(like In Finland). Those who should be able to own a gun have to be at least 21 years of age, cannot be a felon, cannot have mental health issues, cannot have a serious criminal record, and has to be trained on how to properly use and store guns, and must be told that guns must be kept out of the hands of minors. Taxes: Again, restructure towards Socialism. Example a sewage system that instead of treating water for release would clean water and effluent and use it to make hostile land fertile. Register online quickly, and order licensing for our political cartoons with American Express, MasterCard, Visa or Discover Card. Call us for other payment options. I'm going to created a giant Ponzi schemed government called: Capitalism ;D. What do you think about my political party? Believe in state funded contraception for low-income individuals. The speaker in the House of Commons will be replaced by the latest audio equipment, 5. -I'd be all for the private sektor and less government control, the government should fear the people not the other way around. Death penalty: Fits perfectly at crimes like murder, child abuse, etc. Mandatory public flossings! Nobody should be given a second chance and, once he has committed those crimes, ALL his human rights must be taken away from him. You plot to kill innocents to get a point across you will be shown no less mercy. The opinions of voters in each nation is measured on a wide variety of opinions, meaning every region and … It will not be one party (for we are not communists) or no parties (for we are not anarchists) but a personal party. Have a treaty to where all resources have to be recycled in some way(I read an article where thrown away food could be used to feed the world's hungry or used to power cars, I'll pull up the link later). -Discrimination-while it's already illegal I'd make sure people didn't lose, get jobs due to it. that will carry you away for hours. From what I see those are some good ideas. This name generator will give you 10 random names for political parties and similar groups of influence. Education - First priority. We will stand together the way George Washington and Thomas Jefferson envisioned us: One nation, indivisible. Education and Defense: I think that the amount people spend on education & defense should be swapped. All the others will be repatriated to their original country. What are we so worried about? Strictly political. however as we have not found any taliban terrorists in Derbyshire. The products vary in difficulty and have been assigned a point total. Course Hero, Inc. Gun Rights - IMO peoples rights to be safe are more important than their right to bare arms. programs, education, etc.) This means getting rid of loopholes that millionaires can exploit, and taxing capital gains at similar levels to income tax. Electoral.io - is a MMO 2d-action presidential election game. Gun Rights - None. This is to ensure that both sides of justice are equally served (punishment/ and mercy), Education - promote an education system that is more interested in and revolves around teaching how to think not what to know. 8. Also, no getting involved in existing ones unless called upon by a pre-existing alliance or if we are attacked by one of the sides of the war. If you don't want to die, then do go around killing people ON PURPOSE. But should our allies need help we will be there. Taxes: I am getting rid of any loopholes in the Tax Code. Education - First priority. Join one of two major US factions and fight for their dominance. Death Penalty/ sentencing - An eye for an eye never solves anything and it doesn't prevent crime. Political parties in any democratic set up are many that create an extremely competitive environment for an aspiring new party to enter in. Give a brief synopsis of your beliefs on important topics such as: Taxes, Healthcare, Environmental Protection, Abortion, Gay Marriage, Gun Rights, Death Penalty, Education, Collective Bargaining, Energy, War, Defense, Drugs, Immigration and any other topic you choose. Also should invest to build only green buildings and sustainable architecture. A Wolf would probably be the mascot, as they characterize my ideals to an extent. Where once the spread and dissemination of information and ideas was complex and hard an idea can now courtesy of the internet be spread to millions in seconds. EDIT: I'd probably call my Party the :Freedom & Justice Party or The Truth, Justice & American Way Party. Healthcare: I think healthcare should be really cheap. Gun Rights: Every single adult in the country should be trained with a firearm once they turn eighteen, then given a gun to do whatever they wish with it. -Everyone's religions should be respected from Christians to Jews, you're free to be an atheist but NOT free to mock other's religions or God bashing. Taxes like those on tobacco and alcohol could be applied to weed. A larger populace means a larger market to cater to, which equals economic growth. Taxes - The higher your salary the more taxes you should pay. Taxes - Make them regional-based and broken down so every citizen can see where their money is being spent. With the right politics logo design, you have to potential to see your logo on t-shirts and lawn signs for years to come. Tax credits or breaks for certain groups may sound like a good idea to stimulate growth, but in reality it has a built in cost. Our Soldiers can all come home now. So, that's my political party, hope you like it! we wont have too much funding into war programs. Generally, taxes should be low. Yes there was a point in history when that was required but it has passed. War - Continue with peace-keeping mandate with a focus on social responsibility. Taxes: Rich have to pay high taxes, poor have to pay little to no taxes, middle class have to pay normal taxes. Immigration - Borders completely shut and guarded on all ends. Gay marriage: Marriage is a union between a man and a woman. Simple really. -All the major networks I'd make sure would be even amount of political views and objective. Create Your Own Political Party (1)-1 (1)-1.docx - Create Your Own \u2026 Political Party Name Dalise Chhe Individually create your ideal political party, Individually, create your ideal political party using your own beliefs about things like the size, and scope of government, international relations/foreign policy, and, When complete, you should be in a place where you could explain to someone else quickly. It's less dangerous than Alcohol, and the amount of money spent on policing and corrections connected to weed is staggering. Death Penalty: Illegal for the GOVERNMENT to execute anyone under a criminal charge, however I believe we should have a "Make my day" law, stating that any person who feels the other party is threatening to damage or remove their rights to life, property, safety or family, they can take the other parties life with no repercussions. This infrastructure would also include a well designed public transport system using new clean energy sources. If it is harful to society, then no. Use voiceover to give your stories a voice. Drugs ^^ I think once the drug cartels see soldiers storming them with greater resources that problem is going to fix itself (hard core drugs of course). More teachers and more freedom for college students. The states would be given final say an the majority of issues, the presidents powers would greatly be reduced, and at the federal level, the focus would be on the Legislative and Judicial Branches. create your logo. MinorityAffairs - Create a new Ministry that deals specifically with minority affairs for fair representation in Parliament (gender, culture etc). ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Use biodegradable products. For example, a political party might decide that they are going to try and implement a program that provides free health care for every American. Particracy is a political simulation game where the player takes on the role of a political party in a fictional nation. My party would be economically socialist (liberal) and socially conservative. Immigration - more open immigration. If not, you put the baby up for adoption. This will make it easier as flipping a caravan is easier than flipping homes, 3. Do what you want. I'm all for different states having different age limits but no younger then 17. Drugs: Like an above poster said, Marijuana should be legalized. Abortion - I believe it's wrong, but I don't have the right to tell a women whether she can have one or not. With the right name, it conveys the values it wishes to stand for. Finally we would like to work with -If you're caught drunk driving, high just once you lose your license(sound harsh? Really high. World Affairs - Trade is the only thing necessary. Ideals: Minority Nationalism, Inner-City Youth, etc. But again being realistic here, it's no different then drinking and smoking, if a teenager wants it badly enough he'll get it one way or another. and trim off bureaucracy. Trade is important. Defense - A strong defense force is required, the focus would be on training . All guns will be legal to legal residents of the country, but people must submit to a background check. in a free mobile version. But naming is not as easy as we often think. If you have to ask is this is school appropriate it isn’t. Collective Bargaining - Unions are needed but kept parallel with private enterprises and encourage profit-sharing with employees via government incentives. Political Party Random Name Generator. USGovernment-BlendedFinalExamReviewAYYYYYYYYYY, Copyright © 2021. The country will be isolationist in its policies, and will avoid long-term allies and enemies alike. Education: No public schools (primary, secondary, tertiary). -Free Speech is everyone's right(I don't believe in censorship just because someone wants to say something some folks disagree with or wants to be an idiot with their views despite how extreme, shallow they are etc). Taxes Those that work hardest get taxed the least those who are lazy are killed. All boxes must be filled in, but you do not have to do them in order. I'd even set forth a program for it where you can get paid, hence a hero job if you will for helping people. Environmental Protection - Comes last in my book. Purpose: turn the current weak government into a Empire under a just and fair Emperor with Congress being turned into an Imperial Parliament, conquer or persuade the countries of North America by any means necessary, double the size of the Navy in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. In the interest of improving defense as a whole merging the roles of defense and civil defense (eg national policing). I'm starting the fix the F-ing infrastructure party...... Taxes - Everyone pays equal and i spend it all on sports cars for my people. Immigration - borders are closed with guards. Death Penalty - Should be legal bur used in only severe cases. -No going after certain parties due to personal bias(ie: IRS nonsense going on now), -Bike Lanes on Major bridges, roads etc would be legalized and respected as much as anyone else drivers, pedestrians etc(afterall not everyone can afford a car). Speaking of politics, aren't civil rights the right you have as a citizen. It is unfair because they earned those money working. Environmental protection: No controls. That's a few of your residents out of work (or income) which eventually means a few more and so on. An interactive can give kids information about a topic in a richly visual way with some light interactions. Environmental Protection: Protect the environment a lot more. 4 months to abort a baby is kind of too late. Abortion - Should be legal ad used if the parents cannot support the child. I would call it The Progressive People's Party and have the colour yellow with a single circle as the shape to represent it to symbolizing inclusiveness and continual movement. Body armor would also be required, weapon training, Martial art courses etc. Legal drugs via pharmacy are fine as long as they're good for OTC and prescribed by the doc. I mean like don't go too far with it. Gay Marriage - I don't believe in depriving American's their rights based on sexual orientation. Economy/ Taxation Healthcare The Dagenais promises to put more money into Canada's healthcare system and provide more funding hospitals that need it the most. Particracy is a political simulation game where the player takes on the role of a political party in a fictional nation. We will ban all forms of Greyhound racing. https://dribbble.com/shots/3842857-Politics-Simulator-Create-a-Political-Party My mascot would be a stag. Gun Rights - I believe in America you are guaranteed the right to own Firearms for your personal use and self-defense, as long as you are of legal age, have no serious criminal record, and no history of mental illness. Our military will exist purely for defense, and will be maintained as such. Energy - Pursue solar/wind based technology. Except if civilians are fleeing from wartorn neighbor. And to anyone who didn't know. Gun Rights: Only a few guns would be allowed, and only if you are of age. Entertainment : All types allowed except for pornography. - This assignment needs to be academic and school appropriate. I'd make sure it's even. Other ‘green’ sources are very costly. No need to ban it all together though due to a few prudes in the world. Yeah. When we studied WWII he would get us to look at tit from the point of view of the Jew's or the German people. We have too many people for such a small country, so we will Cap the number of people residing here at present rates (approximately 63 million, give or take 10 mill ) on the basis of one out, one in (excluding Births). 9. -No voter fraud, outside influence outside or before elections take place. More guns mean less crime. No more will the sh*tty system of a party of yes (Liberal Democrats) and a party of no's (Conservative Republicans) tear our country and divide us. Gay marriage and the majority of other issues not pertaining to warfare (or other immediate nationwide concerns) will all be left to the states to vote on. Taxes - Indirect taxes work the best. Death Penalty: Never. Name a Party!! results easier access to resources, greater efficiencies, more prepared as they would be actively used even in time of peace. Monopolies will be more strictly prevented, as will banks becoming "too big to fail". I don't believe someone should get a second chance or just a slap on the wrist for taking another's life done on purpose. (Well we have to draw the line somewhere). Reassemble U.S. missile stations in friendly territory. Legal residents will have the choice between public and private school, even into the university level. Regarding Immigration… Any Person who can prove that they or their descendants emigrated to the U.K before 55 A.D can stay. Healthcare - Universal (already is in Canada) but add dentistry to this. There is repair work but not new development. Costumes optional unless you're working for a company then required.   Privacy Doctors would get a bit of money from the government each month as well, to make up for this. -Gun Rights-Everyone has the right to bare arms given, permit, good reason, self defense, a job etc If more good people have guns, less bad people will....because they'll know good people have a weapon like them to defend themselves with vs. not having anything at all. Smaller classes, more teachers, more schools. They could keep it, give it away, sell it, whatever, just so long that it's documented they received one. To best achieve this I believe setting up a review board (which will also replace the parole board system) that is comprised of a mix of victims of crime and truly rehabilitated former criminals. International Socialist Party of America or ISPA. Invest in neighbors(Mexico,Cuba,etc.) Your group will now begin coordinating your media blitz. Energy will be how it is now...I guess. Not sure about a symbol. Taxes - I believe in simplifying the Tax Code. Companies should do whatever they like and no laws enforcing environmental protection should exist, as it is very costly. Create your own political party that represents your own beliefs.

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