pothos destroyed my aquarium

link to a video of what it looked like before? I hate those moments when you discover something you just can't reverse easily if at all.  I'm sure you'll come with something new and cool though. They can tolerate full sunlight as well as none at all. Just the new pothos. Pothos works great though at nitrate removal. I have a great little pothos plant that im groing in a pot and in the top of my aquarium really nice easy to care for plant. 05-13-2015, 12:44 PM. Most plants like papyrus and golden pothos seem to like natural sunlight and grow well only if there is some sunlight. Pothos is definitely not "most plants". Oh no Rachel! I have kept underwater pothos plant based on some recommendations. :), Catherine Fears it's leAves and roots r safe? Early on in the fish room I added Pothos to … White fuzz on plant roots, film on heater and on top of water. Meanwhile the algae always gets out-competed, and your fish are always safer. To be honest, I don't think that such a small plant can exterminate that amount of algae you had, at least not overnight. i wouldn't think so- my results were VERY atypical and I still don't understand exactly what happened and why. I love you attitude towards algae. Interesting video/ topic for sure. My potato has been in the water for about 1 month now. I lost all my beautiful algae when I cut back on feeding and lighting. The pothos worked too well. The moss will grow over the mesh and you will have an awesome background. Does pothos abosrb ammonia and nitrite directly from the water? It would be a good time to think about putting some pothos plant in the aquarium filter. I could be wrong tho, but if that would be the case I think Pothos would be sold by the mass since everyone is trying to get RID of algae, not grow it on purpose. As such, there’s no need to worry. Help! If the Pothos plant doesn't work for you try Anacharis, it doesn't care if it is floating or rooted in the substrate. After a few days, white roots will sprout from the stem and grow down into the water. Find out how you can kill algae with just $8!" lol. LOL Unless you have some type of fish that can only thrive on algae, of course. So sad, the brush algae was impressive and unique. Archived. However, if a fish (such as goldfish) does nibble on it, it can lead to unpleasant allergies and the fry can succumb to gastro problems. They sit atop the tank, roots dipping into the water, sucking up nitrate. Bummer. Sru on March 09, 2019: Why my devils ivy root rot when I put it in water or even in soil? The pothos uses the excess nutrients in the water that. I'm sorry that carpet and walls of algae looked awesome in that tank. I didn't know if ceramic rings would be enough of a substrate for it to grow in. And it's sad that happened Because the tank looked so cool! its poison. Posted by 2 years ago. on the positive side of things, your fish look awesome, Funny, most people would call that a success. Are there any fish that live off of Golden Pothos Plant? The way I do is that I use cutting from my mother plant and leave just the tip of the cutting in the water and the remaining hanging in the back. Do you have any kind of a substrate in your filter for the pothos to take root in? what is it? Pothos is also known as devil's ivy because it is so difficult to kill. Fish do not nip on the pothos roots. Does anyone know of … I'm having problems growing potatoes and pothos in my aquarium.. 1. xD, It kills algae awesome ....im getting shit loads but im sorry for what its done to your aquarium, i was wondering whether to put pochos in my aquarium filter, now,i definitely want to use pochos to remove all my nitrates. The concern with reptiles and pothos is that it has a lot of oxylates which interfere with calcium absorption and placement, if you fed a young turtle nothing but pothos you'd likely kill it eventually from metabolic bone disease not poisoning however if you're turtle eats the occasional leaf here and there it's largely harmless. Good luck bye. Pothos is REALLY forgiving! My wife put the plants on a corner light that you secure with the floor and ceiling now it looks like a spider Web. O.o that's... peculiar. The plant will drink in the delicious fertilized water from your fish tank and thrive! The cuts will create roots that will give a nice look to the aquarium … It's vines and leaves turned HUGE. Some say it's toxic. I float Golden Pothos in my aquarium, with my one fish, and 6 mystery snail... Back to the Roots Water Garden Review (and a question for you) - aquaponics. Find a way to hang the stem just on top of a lid and let the roots hang into the water. Your fish look nice though. The stem can be cut and inserted directly into water. Pothos is a friend of mine. People with no dogs or cats (or crazy chickens) are irrelevant to me.  So, it works out. This was one of my favorite tanks out there! 5 talking about this. 😉 It's aggressive, durable and seems to grow under (IMO) extraordinary circumstances. It drastically shows how one little addition can change a tank. Pothos is a friend of mine. I think they said they want some different plant and some more algae. - Duration: 1:43. Also, I'm spreading the word that the leaves can be pinched off and planted directly into your substrate. And I have had pothos in the filter for 6 years. That sucks. U should have added a small clip showing how it was before the attack happened! Rachel O'Leary 169,137 views. Well learning something new is the silver lining, surely! ADD POTHOS PLANT to aquarium! At least your fish is still alive. Also, sad. The Poth-O-Carry™ Original was designed to hold Pothos (and other plants) at the top of your fish tank, with the bottom of their stalk dipped in, the leafy part on top. Is it safe for the fishes?? Roots growing in the filter chamber away from fish would likely be safe, perhaps, but once the roots or stems are in the tank there is a risk the sap could enter the water if the stem/root is opened. I guess it was all the movement of the black beard. If so, I'd WANT to add some to my HOB filter then -if I want my algae gone. If so how long would it take before it does? - Local Hardware Store ad. I originally found your channel because of that algae, on finnish aquarium forum someone complained about algae so someone else said it can also be a decoration and linked your video. BeamTeam on November 29, 2018: It is common for people..including me..to put Pothos cuttings in an aquarium … Next, grab a GOLDEN IVY POTHOS PLANT (also known as devils ivy), usually cost 8-10$ per plant: ... then carefully add pea gravel or aquarium gravel around them, making sure all the roots are NOT visible: The most difficult step is finding a way to suspend the basket in the water, I just used a recip and cut my … clip a piece of bare stem 4-5" long – even a piece without buds or root nodules. They drop the … you read and agreed to the. Sorry to hear. =). Have to up the light and bio load! Wow! Even then, the crayfish are fine and continue to gnaw on the roots as it grows back. What a shame that algae was awesome. That is sad.  That algae really looked great. awww what a shitter. It's still a nice tank though :), you have to constantly cut abs remove pothos to keep that from happening, it just used all the nutrients, it didn't actually do anything bad. those look like Dino bichers..... or how ever you spell it lol always wanted those, Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri- Saddled bichir. I actually thought that happened. so I'm confused.....did the pothos completely such up nitrate content and starve the alge? Did you take anything else out of the tank? That's so sad, I loved the algae in that tank. my tank is loaded with pothos. Algae is a pain in the ass to clean off everything. Where did you get the brush algae to put in there to start it off? Iam pretty bummed :(, http://msjinkzd.com/about_msjinkzd/support-our-site/. Sorry to hear that! Pothos plants are great for any fish tank. I'm sure you will find a good solution to make the tank pretty again. On the bright side, your crown looks like it healed nicely. :D Good luck with the new decoration! Category ... Pothos DESTROYED my aquarium! Well thats what they told me to tell you. Would that work? Catherine Fears hi I am wanting to directly plant some pothos into my gravel like you would a live plant I was wondering if that's what u were saying u can do and was wondering if you have personally done it before, go for some Jungle Vals get that tank all green and wavey. +Day5 Aquatics it's having no problem growing lol. It looks so barren! answer #2. Trimming rotted plant stems, Water wisteria or any other. They were doing okay until they started to grow white hairs of fungus.I had kind of expected this to happen since I did a little bit of research and this seemed to be common, so I put them in a water … Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri (saddled bichir), Tropical gar and Cuban gar. I planted a pothos cultivar at the foot of my grandparents old oak tree in Puerto Rico. And it climbed all the way up, about eighty feet. FISH ON! I'm sorry, Funny cause mine grows toward the filter intakes all the time, Sorry about that! Pathos destroyed all that alge? I will try and grow it back. I used the light hanging bars, cross … The roots and stems are no problem for fish. After putting a handful of Pothos vine in her HOB filter, the algae all melted away. Pothos DESTROYED my aquarium! Can water wisteria grow with only a stem with no roots and leaves planted i... Can I put this Pothos plant above my fish tanks? if you love algae coverage it's definitely a no-go. thanks for being awesome.. hope to purchase from you once things warm up in our area, +Evan Stepowany it would certainly use up ferts in the water column if you were dosing, Wait, I'm not following you. It is also a … who'd of known algae would look so good lol. To me it had just the right prehistoric look to it for your monsters. that was my first thought too, not the pothos, they dont uptake nutrients that fast, id be wary it was a commercial weed deterent, big box pothos (and succulents for that matter) is notortiously harder to take cuttings of because they use such retardants. I have this green hair algae in the scrubber chamber that is always growing crazy. I know you said it was the new plant, but did you do anything else? Whoa! Pothos is toxic to dogs and cats as well.  Most won't bother it or eat it, but it is toxic to them. Find a way to hang the stem just on top of a lid and let the roots hang into the water. Ok that wasn't as scary as I thought it was going to be. I'll have to find a video showing the growth, I've never seen it. I’ve tried pothos and … The leaf , roots and stems is poisonous to cats. the black beard..... this is truly sad. Close. A sign that pothos works I guess lol, to an unfortunate end in this case though. I also have Nerite snails to help with the Algae, what cultivar was it? utter nonsense I have ever heard of that pothos destroyed your aquarium :( Rickard Rakkoon - 3 years ago that tiny bit of pothos didn't kill the algae, I suspect the soil mix it came in had an algaecide/fungicide mixed in and leached from the roots once water flow started over the roots. NOOOO! I'm planning to add some pothos to my aquarium and wondering if it can absorb it can only absorb nitrates or if it can also absorb ammonia and nitrite directly since they're nitrogen compounds. I grow that same plant in my sump on my 225 I can't believe that happened to your beautiful set up I've never seen anything like that and absolutely loved it!! It's very possible pothos could have that effect on black beard algae. Im sorry about your algae, but im sure you know a lot of people been trying to get rid of it and have a hard time. In my 55 gal with crayfish, the crayfish ate all the plants and proceeded to eat the pothos roots. what happens to? Thumbs up given as I like your vids and all but your title was very misleading. In my tank, the algae was something that I really detested since it ran amuck on the aquarium glass and resulted in hairline scratches after scrubbing it away. Why would a small group of one plant roots kill all the other "plants" in the water? Just pinch leaves off and pop them in the gravel, that's all! a … Those are some really cool fish what are the species? OMG! No, the … For several decades I've recommended to new fish keepers to keep a Pothos vine hanging over the edge of their tank. You might have disturbed the water quality drastically. Somehow, the tank looks much smaller without the algae. Quality test results | Все для аквариума, террариума и пруда I don't know why the spell check put tunes was suppose to be light, Wow never herd of that happening. HOW TO LOWER NITRATES WITHOUT CHANGING WATER! what to do? Is pothos toxic to aquarium fish? Its sad that your going to give your pathos plant a dirt nap cause i think it gets rid of nitrates or something. It's easy to blame the Pothos plant, but you should always check the quality of the water before and after changing ANYTHING in or around your tank (filters for example). Is that florescent tunes on the lights. Now I have an excuse to use some more wood in the tank. +minimonkey969 it's the seymour little Shop of horrors pothos. LOL. i noticed you dont run regular lights have you ever considered led high bay lights, I know you are generally a nano fish kinda person, but I wanted to tell you ho0w you "ruined" my life :), +Charlie Jackson stay tuned tomorrow for more polypterus ;) thanks for the kind words.

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