pro life boycott list

Apologetics. CREDO is on pace to give nearly $80,000 to Planned Parenthood this month. Products that DO CONTAIN Aborted Fetal Cells, Components, Proteins, DNA: Neocutis Anti-Aging Skin Creams Contain cells from a 14 week gestation aborted male baby. The Boycott Handbook. Ever since Georgia, Missouri, and Alabama passed life-saving legislation, the Abortion Lobby has been losing its mind. The corporate boycott became a way to avoid even indirect material participation in the crime of abortion. The list also serves to equip us with the Boycott ended 2012: Forced Senomyx to not use any aborted fetal cells in PEPSICO research & development. The Boycott Handbook. Life Decisions International (LDI) will soon release a revised edition of The Boycott List, which identifies corporations that are boycott targets due to their support of Planned Parenthood, the world's leading abortion-advocacy group. sfomom October 13, 2005, 12:49pm #2. [email protected] P.O. You can contact Life Decisions International at for a complete list of the boycott targets. The Boycott Handbook Checkbook List The Boycott Handbook and Checkbook List are powerful tools for the dedicated pro-life activist and the primary component of the Corporate Funding Project. Call and text to invite your friends to the event! Ask your group adviser to assist you with learning these laws. Please consider supporting similar corporations that support life. "This is a simple way for every pro-life person to do something tangible for the pro-life movement," Garvey said. Life Decisions International, a group which tracks corporate funding of Planned Parenthood, has announced that, to date, at least 313 corporations have agreed to stop funding Planned Parenthood, which has kept more than $42 million out of their child killing coffers.. View our Pro Life Selection of Books Search for Books at Visit for Learn how you can elect pro-life candidates and pass state and federal pro-life laws! Seminarian Matthew at A Catholic Life has updated his Respect Life Boycott List with new information on companies that support Planned Parenthood. Big-name companies like Bloomberg, H&M, Ben & Jerry’s, Yelp, and countless more have all signed a public letter showing they don’t want the business of pro-lifers. […] Get their PP boycott list, and start making a real difference. The Boycott Handbook includes a "Nonprofits Behaving Badly" section, which identifies charities associated with Planned Parenthood or other advancement of the Culture of Death. Applied Power Arriscraft Bank One (First USA) U.S.A. (540) 631-0380. The Anheuser-Busch Foundation also supports the March of Dimes, which also funds Planned Parenthood. Seminarian Matthew at A Catholic Life has updated his Respect Life Boycott List with new information on companies that support Planned Parenthood. This list is based primarily on official, corporate activity, but also based partially on the activities of employees, which are not sponsored by their companies. The Boycott List includes a section called Dishonorable Mention, which lists many seemingly innocuous nonprofit organizations that are involved with Planned Parenthood or otherwise active in the Culture of Death. Support the Pro-Life Movement. Posted by life dynamics on January 6, 2015. Boycott to Protect the Unborn - The Pro Life Bookstore is a barnesandnoble.comAffiliate Bookstore Proceeds will be used to support our efforts to end abortions at Mazda. Products that DO CONTAIN Aborted Fetal Cells, Components, Proteins, DNA: Neocutis Anti-Aging Skin Creams Contain cells from a 14 week gestation aborted male baby. Register to Vote. But if you truly care about where your dollars are going, you can get the complete rundown of just how gay-friendly a company is or isn't by checking out the Human Rights Campaign’s Buyers Guide. Please write to the companies on the list and ask them to stop funding Planned Parenthood. left-wing companies that . Make sure your voice is heard in November! Please consider writing a letter, calling, or e-mail these businesses to urge them to stop donating to Planned Parenthood: The Anheuser-Busch Foundation supports a number of United Way chapters that fund Planned Parenthood. And while 116 corporations have agreed to stop funding the abortion-committing group, The Boycott List includes many corporations that have been boycott targets for quite some time. Telephone: 540-834-4600. Copyright © 2021 Students for Life of America The pro-life groups noted that additional companies collaborating with Senomyx will be targeted for boycott next. From time to time people contact our office, asking which companies support Planned Parenthood financially. So, SIGN YOUR NAME BELOW to show these corporations that you stand up for the lives of the preborn and you will not do business with them until they do the same! you should boycott . I wanted to upgrade my software. Founded in 1968, National Right to Life is the nation's oldest and largest pro-life organization. Latest Reports Contact Us. Learn how you can elect pro-life candidates and pass state and federal pro-life laws! Charles W. Scharf, CEO To order, call 1-800-549-5433. It’s a good idea to send a reminder text the day before! P.O. Every time you purchase mass-produced processed “food” from the likes of Kraft, PepsiCo, or Nestle, you’re choosing, whether you realize it or not, to feed your family not only genetically engineered poisons and chemical additives, but also various flavoring agents manufactured using the tissue of aborted human babies. "As a direct result of the commitment, action and prayers of pro-family people, at least 153 corporations have stopped funding Planned Parenthood," […] A Practical Guide for the Sacrament of Confession $ 0.20. Children of God for Life is the pro-life worldwide leader in the campaign for ethical biomedical research and commerce that preserves the dignity of human life. Box 8999 A recent example of a bigger pro-life pseudo-boycott that matches the parameters IPR lays out occurred when Georgia was debating their Heartbeat Bill last year. See the mailing address below. New boycott targets include AutoZone, BP (petrol, energy), Canadian Imperial Bank (CIBC), GoFundMe, Lionsgate Entertainment, McKesson (Health Mart, Sunmark, Rexall Pharmacy), Office Depot/Office Max, Penske (transportation sales and rentals), Quest Diagnostics (medical testing), SIRVA (Allied, Global, and North American Van Lines), and United Fire (insurance). From time to time people contact our office, asking which companies support Planned Parenthood financially. Hand-written (or typed) letters have the greatest impact, but we have also included a form letter. Companies on the boycott list that continue funding Planned Parenthood include: Adobe, Ameriprise Financial, Bank of America, Bank of Montreal (BMO), Chanel (cosmetics, fragrances, etc.) Georgia, GeorgiaYou're really screwedJust a pro-life billMakes celebs start to whine...Georgia's growing film industry may be at risk if these 50 actors have their way. You can support the life-saving efforts of National Right to Life. Many businesses and corporations directly fund pro-abortion movements and abortion providers, such as Planned Parenthood and Whole Woman's Health. Please write to Netflix explaining your support for all the women in the state of Georgia, born and unborn. Recent Updates from National Right to Life . Life Decisions International. Register to Vote. READ: Pro-life leaders put pressure on United Way to break ties with Planned Parenthood Of course, pro-lifers have faced this battle in reverse for years, having dealt with and even boycotted companies that have funded abortion — often through their funding of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s number one abortion profiteer . Pro-Life Group Releases New List of Planned Parenthood Abortion Donors ^ | January 10, 2007 | Steven Ertelt Posted on 01/11/2007 1:37:37 PM PST by

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