roystan's grass shader

Overview Package Content Releases Reviews. In line 209 starts the pass that takes care of shadow casting. Sorry to bother you, just wanted to let you know that this site uses cookies: My take on shaders: Stylized water shader. share. The “GetVertex” method in lines 92-104 also got some more stuff: Firstly, in line 96I calculate the view direction and store it in the local g2f object and in line 98 I also store the screen position of the vertex. All Versions. unityShadowCoord4 _ShadowCoord : TEXCOORD1; // Simple noise function, sourced from Hi! float3x3 transformationMatrix = mul(mul(mul(tangentToLocal, windRotation), facingRotationMatrix), bendRotationMatrix); float3x3 transformationMatrixFacing = mul(tangentToLocal, facingRotationMatrix); float height = (rand(pos.zyx) * 2 - 1) * _BladeHeightRandom + _BladeHeight; float width = (rand(pos.xzy) * 2 - 1) * _BladeWidthRandom + _BladeWidth; float forward = rand(pos.yyz) * _BladeForward; float segmentForward = pow(t, _BladeCurve) * forward; // Select the facing-only transformation matrix for the root of the blade. // Extended discussion on this function can be found at the following link: // The result is then multiplied by “_LightColor0” (which will give me the color of the directional light taking the intensity into account too) and by the shadow attenuation calculated above. Interactive Grass. Grass trample: Based on a position and a radius, the grass blades are offset from the position in a sphere-like configuration to simulate being trampled by an external object. As I mentioned in the previous tutorial, this shader follows a different structure: firstly there’s a CGINCLUDE block that holds the vertex and geometry shaders and all the necessary structs, and then there are 2 passes: one for the color and another one for the shadow casting. All from our global community of 3D artists. 3. Toggles the “IS_LIT” keyword which determines whether or not lighting and shadow receiving will be applied on the grass. I made sure that every line is the same and in the same position as the unlit shader, so the changes actually start from line 153. Shadows: The grass will be able to receive shadows using the “SHADOW_ATTENUATION” macro (more on that later). i.normal : -i.normal; float NdotL = saturate(saturate(dot(normal, _WorldSpaceLightPos0)) + _TranslucentGain) * shadow; float3 ambient = ShadeSH9(float4(normal, 1)); float4 lightIntensity = NdotL * _LightColor0 + float4(ambient, 1); float4 col = lerp(_BottomColor, _TopColor * lightIntensity, i.uv.y); float4 frag(geometryOutput i) : SV_Target, Python | GrassFlow : DX11 Grass Shader. Description; Comments (0) Reviews (0) [ 1 Bitmap and Procedural Based Shader ] 1 Color map 1 Diffusion map 1 Luminance map 1 Bump map 1 Displacement map. Featured; 4.5 13 160 292 Snow in Los Santos. It’s a very simple demo script and you could do a lot of different stuff for that purpose but here it is: It’s applied on a specific material, however it would probably be better if it was a global property in order to be applied on all different grass materials. GrassFlow : DX11 Grass Shader. The result is then multiplied by an HDR color for the added translucency and the whole thing is applied on a fresnel mask on the grass. In line 222 it’s also important to include ” #pragma multi_compile_shadowcaster ” for the shadow casting to actually work. Get 258 grass 3D materials & 3D shaders on 3DOcean. // Construct a second matrix with only the facing rotation; this will be used. The result obviously depends on the work you put in the effect. The blade generation algorithm is exactly the same as before, as far as the geometry and placement are concerned. Grass shaders, like water shaders, can be infinitely fun and you can pursue any level of physical accuracy you want, from something toony or stylized to something realistic af. Controls the density of the blades by tessellating the input mesh. by Roystan 2 years ago 1 year ago. Then, in line 157 I calculate the normals for the tip point using the method I mentioned above: getting the normalized cross product of the vector formed by the 2 base points and the vector formed by the midpoint and tip point. // unityShadowCoord4 is defined as a float4 in UnityShadowLibrary.cginc. Cancel. It’s important to have the other pragmas though, because the shadow casting pass needs to have the same information about the geometry as the first pass, so that it can cast the shadows properly. // for the root of the blade, to ensure it always faces the correct direction. Search. Grass Geometry Shader for Unity. 2.4 (current) 50 004 pobrań , 2,21 MB maj 19, 2015. Grass Landscape Shader 039 Texture. The “normal” field which will hold the normal vector we calculate for each new vertex, The “_ShadowCoord” field which is needed to calculate the shadow attenuation, The “viewDir” which holds the view direction vector. But that’s not really the point. Join Date: Jun 2015; Posts: 14 #1 [TUTORIAL] Grass Shader 05-26-2017, 04:49 AM. Fritz Copes moved Grass shader from In Progress (Fritz) to On Hold . So here I’ve settled for just the first directional light in the scene. Something I forgot to add is the script that the grass-trampling object should have, in order for the grass to react. The fragment shader method is really simple in this pass; it’s just using the “SHADOW_CASTER_FRAGMENT(i)” macro and that’s it, you don’t really need to worry about what that does. Lines 194 and 195 are the same as the first part, still applying color based on a gradient map, the wind and the “_Color” property. The problem with the current setup is that you can’t really define areas where there’s no grass easily. Translucency: There’s a very very simple translucency effect here, which is achieved by getting the dot product of the view direction vector and the inversed direction of the directional light. More mods by LixeiroCharmoso: Tekstura Broni; 4.75 2 931 72 Weapon Camo Pack. Shaders Mods offers the best shaders for Minecraft and regularly updated. The way these are calculated are fairly straightforward: We need the vector that’s perpendicular to the grass blade, We have 4 points when it come to the grass blade: the two points of the base (A and B), the middle point on the base (M) and the top point of the triangle (C), The normal vector N will be the cross product of the vectors AB and MC. Home. 17 min ago, Lua | The “#pragma target 4.6” helps with the support of the geometry shader, while the “#pragma multi_compile_fwdbase” is needed for the shadow receiving. Board Programming Grass Shader. Posts; Latest Activity . 25 min ago, JavaScript | 2. We also offer users a huge list of the best and popular mods for Minecraft. Infiltrator. o.pos = UnityApplyLinearShadowBias(o.pos); geometryOutput GenerateGrassVertex(float3 vertexPosition, float width, float height, float forward, float2 uv, float3x3 transformMatrix). float3x3 facingRotationMatrix = AngleAxis3x3(rand(pos) * UNITY_TWO_PI, float3(0, 0, 1)); // Matrix to bend the blade in the direction it's facing. Yeah, it is quite possible, you just need to go to the terrain setting and instead of the default standard terrain material you can use a custom one with the grass shader on it. While in the first part there wasn’t much of a reason to have that structure, here it’s quite useful, because we need the vertex and geometry methods in both passes, and if we didn’t follow that structure we’d have to rewrite them in both passes (or use an external .cginc file). 0.4b. First, in line 211 there’s a special tag for it, ” “LightMode” = “ShadowCaster” ” which marks the pass as a shadow casting pass. Hey Guys, Heres a new tutorial on how to create a Realistic Grass Shader. Is it perhaps based on ”roystans tutorial”? float2 uv = pos.xz * _WindDistortionMap_ST.xy + + _WindFrequency * _Time.y; float2 windSample = (tex2Dlod(_WindDistortionMap, float4(uv, 0, 0)).xy * 2 - 1) * _WindStrength; float3 wind = normalize(float3(windSample.x, windSample.y, 0)); float3x3 windRotation = AngleAxis3x3(UNITY_PI * windSample, wind); // Construct a matrix to transform our blade from tangent space.

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