why does my dog hug me

But God allows it. Look up cognitive psychology We ruined the world. I thought what in the world.. but I just kinda forgot about it until around June 5thish I get really really sick, and lay in bed for 3 weeks. That is contradictory to the way I was raised, but I agree with you. I got here following God and being a servant, a vessel, to bless others in big ways while I got, get, the dregs. I accepted Jesus and I was still suffering. The rejections I faced kept mounting without cease. they are just over-looked from the hell the rest of good people who choose to battle evil.. you make no sense. What is the point of my life being taken to this point? Life is short and You have not forgotten nor forsaken me. And as long as I could not physically move it stayednit beating, All the time the sound getting louder and louder and my heart stopping for very long periods of time. they can be exacting and have many a brilliant researchers. omg yes God freaking hates me. God is good and the Devil is bad. It is impossible for God to Lie, Numbers 23:19, “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? Not even surgery????? If you would like to discus this with me more I would be happy to show you more verses and testimonies that will show you that you are worth it to God. I look forward to your coming and I will rest in you, Strange about the blind beggar i am having an issue with my eyes and may need intervention at some point ,but i ask God why now ??? Yet we do. God loved Earth, but the Earth we live our lives out on here right now, is a complete decite. I will GLADLY be despised by men like Christ. And you must suffer sorrows like Jesus did. This kind of thing also makes us feel important. The writer of this forgets its the Sunday fashion show crowd with good jobs, nice teeth, good looks who PERPETUTAE this. Its part of this broken world. Haven’t you been saying that dead is better? The best people are those co-workers, those people who we know are even more evil than we are. This is just such intellectually dishonest blog post, summarizes the church quite well. You wanted to be married and it did not happen. If there is a hell then Hope you and the batters go there. My attorneys dragged my case out ten years, hoping I would suffer a third heart attack and die. I think that God is getting his holy rocks off by seeing all of us suffer and die terrible deaths here on this god forsaken earth. I don’t use the word ”he” for God, since it is dishonest. Recently things have not been going so well. That’s why they killed Him. In the end, when the man saw Jesus, who had healed him, he believed in him and worshipped him. I read your story. Participating in God's ongoing mission in the world, Pittsburgh Seminary is a community of Christ joining in the Spirit's work of forming and equipping people for ministries familiar and yet to unfold and communities present and yet to be gathered. Men will go as far as rape to fulfill their sexual desire. I went to an evangelical church for many years and I still have NO FRIENDS BECAUSE NO ONE WANTS TO BE NEAR REPULSIVE. Me too….I can t take this is horror I live . I’m doing less and less due to the overwhelming depression that comes with such overwhelming deprivation. I would read the article but the side slider bar is too small and thus annoying to try and use, all for aesthetics. I trust only on him but does He even foe once think of me? I agree John. It veered to the left, the odometer and speedometer were reading more mileage and a faster speed than I was driving, but my wife refused to believe me. PS I’m one of those who want to believe too. It sucks being in this place. God knows this! Jesus does not either. Are we to never experience sex because we stand a chance of getting pregnant. Born heroine addicted, thats right, an addict before I left the womb, adopted by a pedophile who tortured me from the age of infant, dragged through every horror a kid can be, loss of everyone near to me, to hell with it. But I had a lot of grief from other kids while I had the eczema! It is ridiculous to think God hates you because of the actions of other people who have free will and because you don’t get everything you want. I don’t believe God created a play that we are unconsciously following to the letter. When God’s will for you is a horrible life, when you haven’t been blessed in anyway it is really hard to hold on after awhile. God did not create me “wrong”, he created me perfectly. I saw no path to change, healing, reconciliation. You cannot believe them. You are not right about God being evil. It’s all in God’s hands. Men don’t have it close to this bad. I so relate to the comments. God does not force us to worship him. No matter if i believe or disbelieve him, he was still doing miracle for me. When you hug your cat and sleep close to it, you are passing on emotional support to your cat. Someone was very sly in writing that. The state of the world, what I see happening to innocents & am powerless to help or intervene, for many, their life on earth is a living hell, why does God allow this set up? Don’t believe this lie! Realize that others are feeling exactly the way you are, maybe worse, turn it around and help them, forget yourself, your problems, your trauma. If God would “forget” me, I’d probably be okay. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. When I would walk down the crowded halls, He would say to me, “I know you feel alone but you’re not. I’ve also had the same exact thoughts, when I was suffering. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Social construct, cultural construct, human pettiness and superficiality, which are not from God, control your life. I am married and grateful to be so. It is satin who hates us and blames it on God. You can do this i, a stranger, believes in you! you may be feeling this way now, but things will change. The more I pray, the worse it gets. well. I’m not sure why God has led me to this point. Don’t Suicide Bro there’s still hope. My question is, if God LOVED me , why did he wire my brain this way, FROM THE DAY I CAME OUT OF MOMS STOMACH I’ve been wild, ADHD,& LD..Probably bi polar as well but refused to take heavy ssr meds.. Why do ignorant people with mental issues get punished.. AND NOW A MUTANT GENE.. !, the latest thing that happened to proves that GOD is a asshole I had a finger ripped off my body at work 8 years ago I was set on fire at work my skin not close 8 years before that my brother commit suicide and I didn’t have a father was a kid because he died. tortured state which makes you worthy enough for Him. Even during some of my most painful memories I knew the cruelty of humans proves we haven’t risen above animalism regardless how convoluted our pretentious etiquette claims to be. Do I have a fantasy of a loving GOD or did I not get the memo. If you follow Jesus Christ and put your trust in him God will bring you joy. I didn’t get me to this point. I expect you will find a church family in some unexpected place, if you don’t give up. This is hard and will take a while. The earthly father says no to things and doesn’t make everything simple and easy for the child because the child needs to learn and grow and experience life. We live in a real world. Its not a play. It may be, destiny, it may be weather. It’s our own work and diligence that creates our world and even though we keep getting hit and run over, we have to learn from failures and allow them to empower us. Of course not. I started to question perhaps, karma or luck, as I have never been a seriously religious person. I expect this world was created, by God, hoping we would find him. Let’s be realistic. So I can already see my entire sad lonely single future. In the present you can talk to Jesus, who can understand your pain, since He suffered so much. But also understand that everyone has some of these painful burdens. I don’t think God hates me, but I don’t think he cares about me. You didn’t lose it overnight either. A few months later, images revealed I had two torn lumbar discs and needed back surgery. well, God won’t. There is no Satan, Neither is their god ,that is the truth . I see you’re a good person, but don’t become a doormat. Do not let the devil take you! Reading this article made me deeply sad, because it made me realize just how many incorrect ideas about God are still out there, and how deeply those ideas are hurting people. As an example, Hitler was not an aberration. I’mmm sicckk if tired of ittttttt i hate it with passion. Since 1999 after suffering a severe spinal injury I’ve had 19 major surgeries. no reason for us to be alive. If the Hebrew God cares about HIS reputation, he will use Donald Trump to take down the evil central banker gangsters with the Global Currency Reset. False. Am afraid. He needs us. Even the highest animals, primates, don’t worship. Then there is guilt from horrible things people actually did (violence, child abuse, stealing, betraying, murder, abortion, etc.) ————————————————— But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” While we were yet sinners… when we least deserved it… when we were not “worth it” by any earthly standard… that is the very time when Christ made the greatest sacrifice and showed the most powerful act of love in all of history. God doesn’t pick and choose people; He doesn’t prefer “beautiful” people over “ugly” people. The 10 ton rock was gone and God said to me that I have had enough pain and God told me I was humble enough to be free. This is God’s plan for us, period. Give money, give time, for what? Thank you for the good information that makes it possible to receive new news all the time. Let me tell you what I think. If only He would just forget me, everything would be so much better. Am I pushing God further and further away? Or fire. He wants love too. I finally got out, only to be diagnosed later with epilepsy. As long as you didn’t have something tight on they never even noticed you. There is no need for us to love Him though others in heaven. So Rick regardless of your physical appearance and how you have been treated, God loves you so much and wants you to be one of His children. It’s the same for everyone. Don’t say God won’t answer my prayer. You have to fight the good fight of faith. This is something that has always held me back. How is a god who casts people into a lake of fire with a six headed beast for eternity simply because they didn’t believe a fairy tale — even though god predetermined that they would not believe it — perfectly just? Yes, it because your cat trusts you to keep it safe always. And although Jesus became human to atone for our sins, I struggle with his example. If an infinite God can do anything created everything down to subatomic particles, stars, black holes and even the notion of time, dimension even the notion of good versus evil would not exist without his bidding. And the article up there talks about we are “judged” by society….that is and has been the least of my problems. To all whom feel like you face your day alone or gods not there for you. But God can’t create such a creation in Heaven. Paul, I am not quoting the bible. It’s hard to think positively when you can’t get through one problem before another one comes at you but, I’m sure that if everyone here were to analyze their thoughts they would probably see that there is a tendency to focus on negative things which probably just leads to getting more negative outcomes. The best way to explain this bitterness thing is the parable of the unforgiving servant. I hope God does an about face and acts suddenly to bless me, to save me from absolute destitution and disease untended. Person out of a wheelchair that doctors said would be for life. Fill the mind with good things (see Phil 4:8). And I wish I were dead. You are not perfect but you are not the person you use to be last year. How does Christianity answer this question of God allowing suffering? But he does because he is evil. I feel a certain sense of peace each day. I know you have prayed. . Yet the book of Job proves that suffering is not always due to sin, but randomness and reasons we will never know. Isaiah 48:8-10, “(8) No I don’t think Christian women are bad many of my married female sisters are really kinder than my own sibling, but I’ve not the luck of running into a single women for myself. I seen others saying very hateful things, but never took it that far. But He hates me and torments me daily… and each day is worse than the other. Only “thy will be done” makes sense, but that’s unknowable. I know this may be hard to believe, but I have proof .. If things aren’t going good, it could also be a sign to make a change. and lets say we were 200 years more advanced we may never have to die. I really wonder sometimes why didn’t God make a very good man like me meet a good woman to have a family with instead of still being Single And Alone today which it wasn’t my choice at all either. Most of the times, I’m doing a lot better now. Yes, you know you have done things to make this worse. He has a job for me to do, and everything He doesn’t care about. He applies pain and relief to all as he sees fit. If I can not help, and I can not, I will not harm. ——————————————————- Let me explain. INHUMAN. I have had Panic disorder and IBS since I was 18. Then I had eyes close, and seen brightest twirling yellowish light ever, and it looked like someone or SOMETHING staring back at me in lower left corner..I remember saying I’m not scared of you I have Jesus Christ. The child, at the time, doesn’t understand and may get upset with the father and think the father is being unfair or is punishing the child, but the father is only doing what is best for the child. I changed my expectations to expect not being wanted or appreciated. It’s very tought, maybe God just hates some and loves others. Realize He did not cause you to lose your job. God is in control of everything. We are important. I prayed and prayed for a husband and as it turns out, the one I got is a meth addict and now I can’t get rid of him. I will also add my own. The martyrs should have accused God of being mean. For years I have cried out to God, but no relief. If I were to guess at one similarity between Lazarus and all the people who have written above – those who despair from life, who feel God is laughing at their misery and simply does not care – the similarity between them all might be a deep desire to be loved by God and to love him. Many just get angry and never take the time to find out who God really is and why things are the way they are in this world. I have lived in housing that triggered my symptoms and my dreams are gone. *$#* God, I hate him and he hates me. I don’t drink. They love to I am ashamed I did yield to them. I don’t believe in Jesus Christ anymore, either. For that, there are fates worse than death, and hospitals are one of them.

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