why does shylock hate antonio

Do you think he is right in hating Antonio ? His reasons for hating Antonio are connected both with religion and money. Although Shylock notices Antonio at once, at first he ignores him, remarking privately that he harbors an "ancient grudge" (1.3.47) towards the "Christian" (1.3.42). We’ve started to think here about some of the reasons why Shylock so passionately dislikes Antonio. Shylock hates Antonio because he is a business rival that is massively undercutting his business. Antonio is a Christian. Whom does Shylock asks Antonio to meet and why? Asked by #379725 on 7/27/2014 3:22 PM Last updated by Paige Y #633227 on 4/1/2017 8:37 AM Answers 3 Add Yours. 2. Because Antonio stole away his daughter . What is antonio's response to shylocks accusation. Shylock, a hard – hearted man, pays with great severity for the money he lends. This shows us the many reasons he hates Antonio. There were not many Jews in Elizabethan London but those that were there did not have a comfortable time. This brings the rate down that Shylock can charge others. Antonio hates people of the Jewish faith and always speaks badly about Shylock's merchant deals. Shylock's another character that makes him a normal human being ? Shylock answers the Duke’s question of why he prefers a pound of Antonio’s flesh over the money being offered. Why does Shylock hate Antonio and Christians in general in The Merchant of Venice? Such an explanation highlights Shylock’s relentless and unforgiving character. Shylock obtains Antonio’s oath which he does not try to disavow that he will give a pound of flesh if he has no money to repay the 3,000 ducats. Antonio had … Wiki User Answered . -Shylock hates Antonio because he spat on him in a previously and ridicules him and the jews. Portia and Nerissa go to Venice disguised as a lawyer and clerk. Clearly, … This act made Shylock lose his customers and so he had insulted Shylock in the market of Venice.. Also, Antonio was a Christian, who all followed the policy of racial discrimination towards Jews and this reason further increased hatred toward Antonio. He steals it . Q. The primary reason why Shylock hates Antonio is because of religious beliefs. Ans: Shylock hates Antonio because he used to lend money to people in distress and would never take any interest … In the play Shylock said “so can I give no reason, nor I will not, / More than a lodged hate and a certain loathing I bear Antonio." Here's Your Answer..!! 7.According to Shylock, why does he hate Antonio? Merchant of Venice: Act 3 scene 1 line 41 42 43. The fact that Shylock does loan money and charges interest is another reason for Antonio not to like him. Antonio charged little or no interest over loans which was against Shylock’s practice. Since Antonio is generous, he earns a lot of Shylock’s hatred. shylock hates antonio because he spat on him in a previously and ridicules him and the Jews. Antonio and Shylock's relationship is crucial to understanding The Merchant of Venice. Shylock has never done Antonio harm. give reason 2 See answers atithi36 atithi36 Shylock was a Jew and Antonio was an Christian thus he hates Antonio and also he( Shylock) was a money lender so give money to people at high rent but Antonio give money to other without any rent its long question AshStyles AshStyles Hey Mate..!! So far I have one who had spat on me , called me a dog, misbeliever and had made fun of my money lending business. The question to be answered is this: is Shylock’s complete humiliation a fair punishment for his crimes? Readers may note the irony of Shylock hating Antonio because of his Christianity, but seeking revenge because Antonio discriminates against his Judaism. 3. • Though Shylock might be bitter and angry, he has a lot of power in this monologue. but dont hold my word to it, as i studied the book for english last year :) hope this helps. Shylock does himself no favours. -Shylock was indignant because he felt as if he shouldn’t give them what they want because they treated him poorly. Readers may note the irony of Shylock hating Antonio because of his Christianity, but seeking revenge … Why does Shylock hate Antonio? (iii) “Like a fawning publican.” Explain. (iii) “Like a fawning publican.” In this scene Bassanio and Antonio ask Shylock for a loan so that Bassanio will have enough money to go to Belmont and woo Portia. They were hated by the Jews because they were the agents of Rome, who collected taxes also from the Jews. Home Merchant of Venice Q & A Why Does Shylock Hate Antonio? Firstly, Shylock hates Antonio because he is a Christian; secondly, because Antonio is a Christian and therefore not allowed to charge interest, Antonio undercuts Shylock’s business by lending money without charging interest. They were business rivals. Ho does Antonio help Bassanio? Shylock is a Jew and Antonio is a Christian. He is not totally wrong in hating a person who humiliates him in public and runs down his faith. Antonio hates people of the Jewish faith and always speaks badly about Shylock’s merchant deals. Ans: Bassanio, who was in love with a rich and beautiful lady called Portia, needed money to propose her. The fact that Shylock does loan money and charges interest is another reason for Antonio not to like him. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. One similarity they have is that they both hate each other and each others cultures. Why does Shylock hate Antonio? If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Why does Shylock hate Antonio and Christians in general in The Merchant of Venice? Reveal answer. Shylock Monologue – Full Text. . A big loan connects Shylock and Antonio, even though Shylock thinks Antonio hates and disrespects him because Shylock is a Jew. Shylock is saying he has hatred for Antonio … Shylock obtains Antonio’s oath which he does not try to disavow that he will give a pound of flesh if he has no money to repay the 3,000 ducats. Why does Portia Assertthat Shylock must show mercy? So Shylock has been deprived of his forfeiture many a time: therefore, the Jew hates him and he is after his life to take revenge. Give three reasons why Shylock hates Antonio. Why does Shylock hate Antonio? Answer: Shylock hates Antonio because he gives money to distressed people and does not charge any interest for the money he lends. Publican is a natural term of contempt and loathing in the mouth of a Jew. Firstly, Shylock hates Antonio because he is a Christian; secondly, because Antonio is a Christian and therefore not allowed to charge interest, Antonio undercuts Shylock’s business by lending money without charging interest. 3)Antonio's business practices earn more money than money lenders like Shylock. I hate him for he is a Christian. Top Answer. Asked by Wiki User. Shylock hates Antonio because he is a Christian, and because, on one occasion, Antonio spat on Shylock for be… They were outcasts and suffered extreme discrimination. Antonio hates people of the Jewish faith and always speaks badly about Shylock's merchant deals. Also, Antonio and shylock are both connected in the same bond which also has Bassanio in it. 1) Why does Antonio agree to Shylock’s terms for the loan? Shylock and Antonio do not particularly like and respect each other, and much of it is due to Shylock’s beliefs and assumptions. Shylock and Antonio resent and dislike one another. Merchant of Venice Why Does Shylock Hate Antonio? Antonio regularly lends money out gratis (without interest). Shylock hates Antonio because Antonio DOES NOT charge interest on loans and therefore cuts into Shylock's business. Shylock bears a long-standing grudge against Antonio. Shylock would hate Christians in general since, at the time of this play, Jews in Venice were made to live in a ghetto and were prohibited from being in Venetian society. Shylock tells the audience that Antonio hates Jews in general - "He hates our sacred nation". Shylock wants revenge because Antonio believes Shylock hates him because he gives money to people who can not pay Shylock back. Answer: Shylock hates Antonio because he gives money to distressed people and does not charge any interest for the money he lends. Antonio has bailed Bassanio out several times before, and is happy to do it again. Throughout Act I, scene 3, Shylock reminds Antonio of the many reasons that he has to hate Antonio. Answered by jill d #170087 on 7/27/2014 3:35 PM Shylock hates Antonio for a variety of reasons; 1) Antonio … Why does he want Antonio’s pound of flesh as payment of the bond Antonio has become unable to honor? At the time of asking for the bond, he notes in jest that enforcing this “merry bond,” should Antonio default, would be of no value to him. Money lending and being Jewish were both frowned upon during the time that this play takes place. The drama of the play begins after Bassanio, in need of money to woo the heiress Portia, asks his friend Antonio for a loan. 3 Educator answers. The duke declares that he will show mercy: he spares Shylock's life and demands only a fine, rather than half of the Jew's estate. Shylock – the Jewish moneylender admits his hatred for Antonio early on Changes in character Antonio is melancholy at the start of the play but cannot name the cause of his sadness. He finds a sack stuffed with bills. Answer. Q. Why is Shylock Indignant over antonios request? Why does Shylock hate Antonio and Christians in general in The Merchant of Venice? But there is no clear statement that Antonio has any personal hatred for Shylock in particular. Why does antonio hate shylock in merchant of Venice? Shylock is ridiculed and mistreated because he is Jewish and a moneylender. 2010-04-21 04:38:38 2010-04-21 04:38:38. Since Antonio is generous, he earns a lot of Shylock… Act 1 Scene 3 – Key Scene . But this time, because his ships are at sea and have not yet returned with their riches, Antonio has to ask Shylock for a loan. He explains that he has no reason other than his hatred for Antonio and because he wants to pursue this case against him. Shylock is in disbelief that he is being asked for money after how badly he has been treated by Antonio in the past. The Merchant of Venice. Antonio and shylock are very different because of culture Antonio is a Christian who hates Jews and Shylock is a Jew who hates Christians. There are some reasons why Shylock's hate Antonio in the play .They are : 1)Antonio is a Christian and Shylock is a jew. Shylock says this seemingly in jest, but Antonio is confident that he can easily repay the loan and agrees anyway. Q: Why does Antonio borrow money from Shylock? Shylock, insistent on getting his bond, has Antonio arrested. Shylock says, “He hates our sacred nation, and he rails/…/ Cursed be my tribe/ If I forgive him! Shylock pretends to forgive Antonio and tells him that he will treat him as a friend and charge no interest on the loan. Signor Antonio, many a time and oft In the Rialto you have rated me About my moneys and my usances. Portia decides to help Antonio because he is Bassanio's … If Antonio fails to repay Shylock, Shylock can exact a brutal revenge against his enemy. This means lending money with outrageously high rates of interest. Shylock is a Jewish moneylender in Venice. 3 Educator answers. See if you can complete the grid to make four points that could answer this question. 21 22 23. When Shylock states the terms he proposes for the loan, Antonio immediately accepts without any questions and agrees to offer a pound of his flesh if he cannot pay the loan back. Shylock deliberates over whether he will agree to lend Antonio the money or not, given how badly Antonio has treated him in the past. Not affiliated with Harvard College. Shylock is a character in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice.. Copyright © 1999 - 2021 GradeSaver LLC. Top Shylock Quotes. in addition to that, let's not forget that he hates him because he's a Christian. Shylock wants revenge for years of Antonio's mistreatment. Victor M. Erlich SHYLOCK “By Jacob’s staff I swear.” -The Merchant of Venice, II.v.36. In Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, Shylock hates Antonio for many reasons. Shylock is also hostile to Antonio because Antonio hates the Jews and because Antonio has been criticizing and … 44-48). Because Antonio egged his house (no, he didn’t actually see him do it, but he just knows it was him) Because Antonio lost him a lot of money . Shylock hates Antonio because Antonio DOES NOT charge interest on loans and therefore cuts into Shylock's business. In the early part of the play, Antonio is forced to ask Shylock for money, despite his dislike of the Jewish moneylender. Why does Antonio dislike Shylock? Early in act I, Shylock expresses his hatred for Antonio. Latest answer posted October 27, … How does Antonio help Bassanio? When Shylock states the terms he proposes for the loan, Antonio immediately accepts without any questions and agrees to offer a pound of his flesh if he cannot pay the loan back. 4. The transfer of money between Shylock and Antonio is for Bassanio’s sake. When Antonio suddenly appears, Shylock (in an aside) expresses contempt for him, saying that he hates Antonio because he is a Christian, but more important, he hates Antonio because Antonio lends money to people without charging interest; moreover, Antonio publicly condemns Shylock for charging excessive interest in his moneylending business. Antonio personifies the Christian self-righteousness that plagues Shylock. 4. It doesn’t matter if you agree or not, as long as you can back it up! Ans: Shylock hates Antonio because he used to lend money to people in distress and would never take any interest for the money he lent. Antonio regularly lends money out gratis (without interest). Antonio : I am as like to call thee so again, To spit on thee again, to spurn thee too. There is a hint, though - Shylock says that he will "feed fat his ancient grudge", implying that the two have had trouble in the past. Answer: Shylock asks Antonio to meet the lawyer and put his signature on the bond drawn between them that he’ll not take any interest in the form of money as an act of kindness. Shylock makes it clear he has a designated hate for Antonio, but only because he does not respect the anti-Semitism and disrespect Antonio creates towards Shylock. Why does Shylock hate Antonio so much? In The Merchant of Venice, why does Shylock hate Antonio. He adds, though, that if Antonio does forfeit, he will demand a pound of his flesh from whatever part of his body pleases him. Shylock was indignant became he felt as if he shouldn't give them what they want bc they treated him poorly. Shylock has said:"(Antonio) hath disgraced me and hindered me....laughed at my losses,mocked at my gains,scorned my nations, thwarted my bargains,cooled my friends, thwarted mine enemies- and what's his reason? Because Antonio is an anti-Semite . Why does Shylock hate Antonio? He is unpopular with other characters who accuse him of practising usury. 1) Why does Antonio agree to Shylock’s terms for the loan? Answer: Shylock hates Antonio for being a Christian and his business rival who jeopardises his business interests by lending money without interest. according to shylock, why does he hate antonio? Answer: Shylock hates Antonio for being a Christian and his business rival who jeopardises his business interests by lending money without interest. It is mainly down to religion, as shylock is a due and antonio is a christian, also near the begining it has a scene in which antonio spits on shylock due to cultural differences, this is the reason why i think. Basically Antonio publically insulted shylock and spit on him. He is not totally wrong in hating a person who humiliates him in public and runs down his faith. • I am a Jew......". Where does Bassanio get the money to pay off Antonio’s debt? Shylock states that there was an agreement between Antonio and him, so the agreement should not be broken. Please enable Cookies and reload the page. Shylock is a Jewish moneylender in Venice. Play with that dynamic. Shylock, a hard – hearted man, pays with great severity for the money he lends. Performance & security by Cloudflare, Please complete the security check to access. On top of that Shylock is regularly scorned by Christians in general and Antonio in particular. 9. Not many ordinary people had ever encountered a Jew and when playwrights put Jewish characters on the stage they presented them as villains. When Antonio suddenly appears, Shylock (in an aside) expresses contempt for him, saying that he hates Antonio because he is a Christian, but more important, he hates Antonio because Antonio lends money to people without charging interest; moreover, Antonio publicly condemns Shylock for charging excessive interest in his moneylending business. ” (1. 3 Educator answers. Cloudflare Ray ID: 6226d87b5aa801c4 What is Antonio’s response to Shylock’s accusation? Why does shylock hate Antonio ? I hate him for he is a Christian, But more for that in low simplicity He lends out money gratis, and brings down The rate of usance here with us in Venice. Publicans were tax collectors for the Romans and were generally oppressive. Why does shylock hate antonio? Antonio behaves as a … Why does Antonio hate Shylock in The Merchant of Venice? Shylock and Antonio's Bond. By coincidence, at this moment, Antonio appears. Clearly, hatred and religious division spark the fire of revenge. Shylock does not like antonios attitude in general. He goes on to say how much he hates Antonio’s behavior. The Merchant of Venice. In The Merchant of Venice, Antonio hates Shylock for two reasons, because Shylock takes advantage of his customers and because he is Jewish.During... See full answer below. Although Shylock notices Antonio at once, at first he ignores him, remarking privately that he harbors an "ancient grudge" (1.3.47) towards the "Christian" (1.3.42). Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. Why does Shylock hate Antonio? Readers may note the irony of Shylock hating Antonio because of his Christianity, but seeking revenge because Antonio discriminates against his Judaism. According to .Antonio, Shylock is after his life as he had rescued many people from the Jew’s clutches by helping with his money. If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. 2. He loathes Shylock because he is a Jew and although he disparages money lending he is willing to take advantage of it - a common hypocrisy of the time. However Shylock's hatred of Antonio leads him to demand a high price if he is unable to pay. Question 6. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. If I can catch him once upon the hip, I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him. Explore further detail here. By coincidence, at this moment, Antonio appears. "You call me misbeliever, cut-throat dog. Why does Shylock hate Antonio so much? This means lending money with outrageously high rates of interest . 2) he lost the trial. Why does Shylock hate Antonio? Antonio personifies the Christian self-righteousness that plagues Shylock. Why does Shylock hate Antonio? The Merchant of Venice. First, Shylock claims that he hates Antonio because he is a Christian. Readers may note the irony of Shylock hating Antonio because of his Christianity, but seeking revenge because Antonio discriminates against his Judaism. For an English assignment I have to write a page from Shylock's diary revealing his throught's about his hatred for Antonio. What does Shylock mean when he says: (ii) Why does Shylock hate Antonio ? Besides the wider idea that Jews were responsible for the death of Christ and Shylock, by default deserves Christian scorn, there are more practical reasons at play here. He is unpopular with other characters who accuse him of practising usury. Shylock hates Antonio because: 1) he is a jew and them religions hated each other. Portia orders Shylock to beg for the duke's mercy. Your IP: Can you please help me to explain these reasons with quotes? Shylock bears a grudge against Antonio because Antonio has been bringing down the rate of interest in Venice by lending out money gratis. Additionally, Shylock hates Antonio for the outspoken disdain that Antonio displays towards him. He reveals his hatred to Antonio in an aside in the play: I hate him for he is a Christian, But more for that in low simplicity He lends out money gratis and brings down The rate of usance here with us in Venice. He went to Antonio and asked him three thousand ducats. Why does Shylock insist on the punishment for forfeiting the bond? Besides the wider idea that Jews were responsible for the death of Christ and Shylock, by default deserves Christian scorn, there are more practical reasons at play here. Shylock is a Jew and Antonio is a Christian. Antonio does not charge interest on his loans so he is competition in his business Antonio had spit on him, kicked him, and called him a dog and he does not regret it/would do it again he is Christian. 2)Antonio always speaks angrily in public place against Shylock. Firstly, Shylock hates Antonio because he is a Christian; secondly, because Antonio is a Christian and therefore not allowed to charge interest, Antonio undercuts Shylock’s business by lending money without charging interest. 3) he was made by Antonio to become a Christian at the end of the play Nevertheless Antonio despises him because he is Jewish and … He gets it from Portia . 8.Why is Shylock indignant over Antonio’s request?

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